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You were an angel. An amazing one at that. You seen the world twist and turn, change and make of it. You where one of most important angels in heaven as of human souls. You were there since almost day one, and you never left your duties behind. Not once were you tempted by Lucifer.

You didn't have a fond relationship with the first man either. When God made you, you were meant to be a bride but Adam managed to leave you behind so you had to fend for yourself. When that happened... he asked God for a new Bride because he 'lost you'. God actually knew what happened but since he knew Adam wouldn't make due with you, God gave Adam Lilith.

Then the whole Lucifer thing happened... Lilith and Eve were both tempted by Lucifer himself and Adam lost both wifes to Lucifer. Lucky for Adam, Eve had already had a kid with him before Lucifer tempted her so they can start man kind.

But sadly for you, this is made Adam's whole attitude change... and you had to live with for the rest of your life even if you didn't see him at all. You could still hear his loud annoying voice all around Eden.

The day he died was devastating, and you lived on for a few years after. It was amazing to not have that loud voice but at the same time, as humanity grew, it was sad that he wasn't there to see his work.

You thought that until you died... You went straight to heaven and you were met with Sera. Sera automatically was like a manager to you... where she gave you things to do...

Then years later there was the extermination. The event of hell. The event that you had to participate in because Sera handed you over to Adam so you had to work for him. You were like an assistant in a way. An assistant that killed once a year and you felt horrible for the souls that you killed. You didn't like the idea of the Extermination but you knew if you said something against it you would become fallen... and you never wanted that.

  Adam made your life in Heaven, the exact opposite, hell. He was far from perfect as he says, you should know you had to deal with him on earth.

That was all until Lucifer, that bastard, requested a meeting with Adam... and oh boy, was Adam pissed.

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