Chapter 3

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  As the day went on Adam was bored out of his life. When you left he had nobody to talk to and he had to deal with stress. Lute was helping the army train so she couldn't be there. What if he called you? he thought many times, over and over to be exact. Would you pick up? would he seem desperate? would he seem less then what you see him as now? Because the Original Dick does not want to seem like that at all. He wants to seem powerful and strong. Dispite his cocky and narcissistic attitude, he was really insecure. To the point of being 'better' then everyone held him up. He seen himself as being better then anyone because if he didn't he would see himself as absolute shit.

  Adam sighed and did indeed pick up the phone to ring you. He thought for a second and called Sera instead so she can call and get you. When she asked why he responded with 'can't find the bitch anywhere-' which caused Sera to scold him slightly.

  Now as Adam's assistant...? yeah, assistant. As Adam's assistant and Sera as your boss, you had to listen to every single word she said, and follow it to the T. So when you got the call to be back at Adam's side, you groaned and whined as you hung up the phone and flew over to his office balcony.

"Yes sir?" You ask as you push open the balcony door. Adam is just sitting there over some paper work, mask back on.

"You fucking left while I have work for you? Who the fuck do you think you are, bitch?" He said throwing the stack of paper to you. It was papers you have already done. It was clear Adam wanted you here for no reason other then to annoy you on your time out.

  "Sir the paper work is all done, and Sera has nothing for me to do-" You were cut off by Adam.

  "So? if i have to fucking suffer here, so do you short stack" Adam said waving his hand at you "Respect the first man."

  You sighed as you and him sat in silence because nothing was to be done or said. Adam was clearly getting antsy and annoyed at the silence.

  "So-" Adam started. "What did you do this weekend..." and he didn't shut up from there. Apart of you thinks that he wants someone to talk to or mess around with. After all his two wives did leave him for Lucifer and you were the only one that was not tempted. But Adam didn't want you apparently while on earth so you don't know why he wants to talk to you now.

  As Adam wouldn't shut up, you just sat there 'listening' to him rant on and on. So you just started to day dream and think about other things.

"-because clearly I am the best! She clearly wasn't satisfied with that small dick- hey, Y/N? you listening?" Adam said snapping you out of your day dream.

"Yeah i am..." You say shyly.

"Listen, Y/N..." Adam said as he sighed. "I know I am not the best man to be your fucking boss or what ever, but can you atleast trust me? or fucking, I don't know, try and like me for once? instead of holding a fucking grudge like a pussy." Adam said as you could clearly see his tired and stressed eyes. "Lute wont fucking pick up... and you fucking left... just... stay and help with the fucking work? okay? the Dick master shouldn't be doing any of this shit... I could be out there playing in my band anf fucking chics for all I care... but nooo I gotta be stuck here." Adam said leaning back in the seat. "Can you... fix my robe and shit... and mask too... like you always fucking do?"

You signed and nodded grabbing a chair just to stand on it. "You, Adam-"

"Dick master"

You sighed again "Dick Master, are going to be the death of me..." You say leaning in to fix his mask and robe. The chair wobbled back and forth slightly. You felt a slow hand find it's way around your waist. "Adam.. what are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't fall... or what ever..." Adam said with an eye roll. You just nodded and continued to fix his robe.

"Hand me the mask" You say holding your hand out. He instantly handed it to you. You gave his hair a little ruffle before smoothing it out and putting the helmet on his head, this caused Adam to smile a bit. You felt his thumb move back and forth slightly as it was around your waist. "Okay, done" and with that, his hand quickly returned to himself.

"Good, now get off me bitch."

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