Chapter 10

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  You woke up next to Adam hogging the whole bed with you in his arms holding you, basically him saving you from falling off the bed with one of his arms and wings. You tried to get out of bed without him noticing you, or noticing you moving. But you completely failed as when you moved he would stir, making you stop and try again slowly. When you did it about the tenth time, his eyes opened a tiny bit.

  "Stop fucking moving... I am trying to sleep... jesus, Y/n... fuck..." Adam grumbled as he held you closer to him, trapping you in his arms and wings as he rolled over with you. "Let's jus' sleep for a little more; yeah?" he said as he drawled out his words til he just stopped and started snoring. He fell back asleep. You groaned out loud as he fell back asleep.

  "Adam, wakey wakey," You tried a simple approach, then when he didn't wake up you huffed and held his nose. Causing his eyes to dart open and he sat up quickly causing you to fall off of the bed.

  "Jesus- are you trying to fucking kill me again? Jesus fuck, Y/n!" Adam said gasping for air. You just chuckled.

  "No I am just waking you up for out meeting with Sera for the Extermination that is currently in... a few days." You said getting up and poking his stomach. "Now get ready, we can't be late like you always are." Adam groaned but you shushed him, "Nope, none of that, My Lord Dick Master." You giggled.

"oh, you seem like a delightful person willing to get fucked-" Adam paused when you walked out to get ready.

"All hail the dick master!!" You yelled from the other room. Adam groaned as he couldn't say what he was because you walked out, but he smiled as you said that.

Adam just put on his robe on quickly, then picked up his mask. When you walked in dressed and read Adam held out his mask to you. "Do your magic, babes." Adam says bending down so you can put it on him. When you put the mask on, you fixed it along with his robe to make him look atleast a little presentable for the meeting with Sera even though he has gone many times looking like he fucked some girl on the street. When you were done fixing it, Adam pecked your cheek with his mask and slapped your bum causing you to slap his shoulder and scoff while all he did was smirk.

You walked to the balcony door and opened it. The heavenly breeze felt amazing to you. You looked at Adam and nodded. You were about to fly before he scooped you up and just flew for you instead.

"Adam-" You were shushed.

"Just shut up and enjoy the ride, okay?" Adam shook his head as he held you closer and tighter as he got closer to the Heavenly Courthouse. He was nervous, you could tell he was. He would never tell you but he was. It was always like this, the hype before the Extermination then when it came down to a few days prior, his stress level went higher and higher until after the Extermination, which made him normal and tell everyone how good he did or how many kills he got.

As you neared the balcony you braced for impact because he always had a heavy landing. Adam did infact make a large landing causing you to jerk forward when he did. He just laughed and walked in.

  "Finally you two are here." Sera says as you both walk in. "Take a seat and relax, we have some things to talk about." Sera sighed out. You and Adam sat down.

  "Have anything cool? or is it the same boring-" You swatted him. "What is it that we need to speak about? Well I know the Extermination... we have the shit under control."

  "So as you know there was a dead angel found in Hell after the last extermination." Sera started, your eyes widened, dead Exterminator? You looked over at Adam, he looked away.

  "You knew Angels can get killed... and you never told me?" You looked at Sera. "None of you fucking told me?!?" You stood up and walked over to Sera's desk.

"Y/n, calm down this is no way to act-" You cut her off.

  "No way to act? No way to fucking act?! one of the Exterminator angels are dead and I found out now!? What happened to not being able to be killed by fucking demons-" Sera stood up looming over you.

  "This is no way to speak to me, Y/n." Sera glared at you. You looked back at Adam, his eyes looked away from yours.

  "I knew this was a fucking bad idea! If we didn't just fucking-" You were cut off.

  "Y/N! Be careful about what you say and who you say it to, or you might end up fallen." Sera looked over to Adam. "I see you didn't tell your girlfriend like we agreed on, Adam." She looked back at you then at Adam. "Im guessing she also doesn't know anything about the deal with your ex wife, Lilith?" Adam's eyes widened and he shook his head. You were angry... he knew it, you definitely fucking knew it, and Sera knew it.

  "You made a deal with your Ex? The one that is a sinner and wants Hell to rise up?!" You scream at Adam.

  "Y/n, calm down there is a lot going on and a good explanation for it-" Adam stood up when he seen you shake your head and walk to the balcony, "Y/n- no, stop, we will talk about this later, okay? Ill tell you what you need to know- atleast some of it, okay?" Adam pleads, "Don't do anything we might regret."

  You just flew out the balcony window and all you seen was a yellow dash fly by you then you bumped into Adam harshly. His arms wrapped around you tightly holding you still.

  "How could you! Make a deal with Lilith!" You scream as he put you down.

  "Its just a deal I swear-" You slapped him.

  "I don't fucking care! you are probably fucking her behind my back!" You screamed. "You will probably leave me for her too! so go, I don't care anymore..." You cared alot... you really did. You were afraid he was going to leave you for her again... you aren't jealous of any woman except Lilith and eve... you are more insecure then anything.

  "I'm not going to leave you for her-"

  "You did it once and how do I know you won't do it again?!"

  "Because I love you, Y/n... I truely do now." Your eyes softened as he said this. "Let me finish the meeting and we will talk about it later... at home... okay?" You just nodded. "I love you, Y/n... I truly do even if I don't show it..."

  "I love you Adam..." Adam smiled and kissed your cheek. Then he flew away... leaving you alone.

  "I love you more then you can think, Y/n..." Was all that was whispered to himself as he flew away...

  He really loved you... alot...

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