Chapter 5

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Adam hasn't been his normal narcissistic self for a few days. His ego shot down along with his attempts to flirt with people. When you ask him what's wrong he always responds with 'Uh, nothing? who the fuck can be in a bad mood in heaven?'. Truth is he was horrible at hiding and telling people his feelings. He is stubborn in more ways then one, but, this isn't him being stubborn, it's him not knowing how to deal with his own emotions due to what happened with Lilith and Eve.

Adam sat in his office plucking at the strings of his guitar out of pure boredom. His mask was off, his robe was all wrinkled and more then dirty. Adam was tired, so tired of not knowing how to say or do anything for himself when it comes to relationships other then one night stands or hookups. He wanted to ask but he felt so vulnerable and too 'weak' to do so. He liked you, alot, even the first time he practically banished you on earth he liked you.

  Today Adam was meant to be at a courtroom hearing but he totally forgot about it while he was set thinking to himself.

  Adam knew he fucked up once you barged into his office.

  "Adam!" You shouted and you walked to him. He practically stared at you for what seemed like minutes. "Why weren't you at the courtroom? we had a hearing today and- Adam?"

  Adam didn't respond verbally but instead with a sigh.


  "Let me fucking tell you something, bitch." Adam said getting up and putting his mask on, now that wasn't normal. "I know what I fucking have to do, and don't tell me where or when I got to be." he said as he got in your face, disrespecting you and your space. "Some bitch tinks she is so special because she was the first woman on earth? let me get this straight... you aren't special, not an inch."

  "Okay what is your deal? you have been fucking moody all week, whats the lame excuse now? was it because I didn't do paperwork? was it because I didn't fix your mask? oh, let me guess was it because I declined you when you asked me out? or is it because you can't get into some whores pants!" You were angry, very angry about how he treated you. You didn't like how he was being an ass this whole week.

  "Just shut up, okay?! fucking bitch! you are never here when I fucking need you for some shit-" Adam stormed off to his chair. "Fuck!"

  "Adam I am always here for when you need me to work-"

  "It has nothing to do with working you bitch!" Adam groaned and threw his mask on the table. "I just... don't know why you hate me so much, im the best... im the fucking man, I am the original dick. Any normal woman would fucking want me, but noooo, you have to be so fucking stubborn!" You just sighed in response as he ranted.

  "Adam, what are you trying to say? why would you want me to be all... nuts about you? If anyone hates anyone, you hate me." You say walking to him.

  "You are right, I fucking hate you, I fucking hate you so much for making me feel weird and shit... I haven't felt this shit since earth and I fucking hate it." Adam almost groaned out. "I don't understand... I truly don't understand what I am feeling." He said as he looked at you.

  "Let's keep the mind off it, yeah? lets fix the mask and robe... you need a shower, lord..." You say taking his hand and pulling him along with you outside of his home office to his bathroom. "Shower and we will fix you, okay? after that we will have to go to the other office to grab files. Clean up and I will fix you up, okay?"

  Adam nodded in reply then slowly got into the bathroom. You sighed and shut the door for him. You sat and waited for him to be done, and when he came out, you had gotten him another robe and mask.

  "Ready?" you ask him.

  "As always, bitch" Adam said sitting down so you can put his robe on him. You were so close to him... would you be mad if he tried to make a move? He watched your hands roamed his body as you fixed his robe. So soft and calming. One of his big hands grabbed your smaller ones softly causing you to look at him in the eyes.


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