Chapter 6 (Suggestive)

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  Adam roughly kissed your lips while his hand moved your small one over your head. He was gripping you tightly as if it was the last time he ever would. Adam's lips never left yours.

"You are so fucking hot... fuckin'," Adam groaned. "Too fucking sexy..." Adam's wings were around you in a matter of seconds as he kissed your lips down to your neck. Your wings puffed out as he lays you back on the table rather harshly. His hands were roughly undoing your top.

Then the door opened quickly. "Sir-" Lute's eyes widened.

"What the fuck- Lute? what?!" Adam said angerly covering you fully with one wing. You quickly fixed yourself and stood up.

"Sera needs you, uh, sir" Lute said crossing her arms. "The princess of hell is going to start a meeting based on the redemption... and we need you. She, uh, will arrive in the next few days... and Sera needs you to prepare for her... arrival" You looked at Adam.

"You couldn't- fucking- you couldn't have asked when I was done?" Adam groaned as he looked at you and put his wing down. "and who the fuck let you in my home? Jesus Lute..."

"The front door was open, sir." Lute said pointing to the front door that was wide open. "Didn't know you were busy with your ex wife." Lute said crossing her arms over her chest. Her wings were somewhat open and her glare on you was very visible to you. You were just silent and looking back.

Adam groaned out, "yeah, yeah, don't ever do that again, Bitch." Adam said waving his hand then he turned back to you. "Sorry babes... We need to go do something... we can... continue later?" Adam smirked and winked at you. Adam quickly put his mask on and walked out with Lute leaving you alone in his home office. You sighed as you heard the front door close shut with a slam.

You went to his balcony and spread your wings feeling the warmth of the heavenly sun and heavenly wind. You sighed once again before took your time to fly to the Heavenly Courthouse. You smiled as you glided through the air like every other angel that did so. You eventually landed your feet on the balcony of Sera's office that had Adam and Lute in there. You opened the balcony door and walked in.

  "Y/N, nice of you to join us... We where-" Adam coughed loudly as Sera tried to speak. She looked at Adam, and then back at you. "Oh... she doesn't-? never mind. As I was saying," Sera began before Adam stood up and sighed stretched.

  "I think we have it all covered, need no more explanation I understand what we have to do and shit... uh, Lute? you understand too?" Adam said looking at Lute.

  "Yes sir, I do." Lute said nodding and standing up and standing next to Adam. You looked over at Sera then at Adam.

  "Whats the plan?" You asked Adam. He chuckled in response and patted your head.

  "No need to worry... I can fucking handle this shit by myself, I know what the fuck we are doing." Adam pointed to himself. "There is a reason I am the leader of the fucking Exorcists." Adam said walking to the balcony, you and Lute followed him. "and Lute? make sure the girls know where we are headed first, kay?"

  Lute nodded, "Yes, sir"

  "What are you talking-" Adam shushed you before you could finish.

  "I fucking said don't worry about it." He had a sadistic smirk on his face.

  Shit... you knew this wasn't good. Some shit was about to go down and you had a feeling it wasn't going to go well, at all.

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