Chapter 1

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  "Out of all the people the short fuck wants to have a meeting with me? after what he did? that fucking no good duck loving-" You had to cut him off before he said too much.

  "The princess of Hell is actually going to be meeting with us... not him-" You say as you hand Adam his mask. "She wants to talk to us about something important" You said as you help him get his mask on and adjust it to his liking.

  "Yeah why doesn't he just... you know... talk to me fucking directly? like... no fucking princess of hell or what ever..." Adam said sighing as he fiddled with the projection device. "Like is he an actual pussy to not face the first man on earth? or is he fucking afraid I will kick his ass?"

  You sighed and shook your head as you listened to him rant on about Lucifer and how he must clearly be afraid to face 'The Original Dick' on his own. Then it got to where he started to rant about him stealing his wives, then to Adam having the power to fuck anyone he wanted, to finally, him fucking a woman last weekend after his band played. You just kept nodding not actually caring about what he says, all you care about is getting him ready for the meeting because you clearly know he wouldn't be able to make himself presentable. Sloppy even.

  He kept going and going on for minutes.. he went onto topics you didn't know he could even bring up. It went from ranting about Lucifer to Fucking women.

  You finished fixing his robe and mask so you hopped off the chair you were standing on and stood next to him. Yet he was still ranting.

  "Adam" You interrupted.

  "and- yeah? what?" He seemed annoyed that you cut him off in the middle of his rant. He fiddled with a plate of ribs as he looked at you. "what bitch? what?"

  "Meeting starts soon" You said moving to the other side of him pressing some buttons on the projector. "Very soon" You said walking to the other side. It started and you both were in the meeting room as projected.

  Lute walked in about three minutes before the meeting started. She was his lieutenant and practically right hand girl who absolutely hated you for some odd reason. You did nothing to her and all she does is glare-

  The lights went on.

  "Sup" Adam said to the woman who walked in. The princess of hell... You knew Adam very well to the point where you knew this wasn't going to go well for the young girl. Adam ended up trying to get her to shake his hand, which ended up in her hand going right through his holographic one. Same thing with the ribs... poor girl.

Adam was very stubborn when it came to meetings and he often went off subject to rant about anything that came to his cocky, self centered, narcissistic mind. Thats exactly what happened here. He spent most of his time ranting about the woman he fucked last weekend.

  "-and its like, do you know who I am? I'm fucking Adam, I'm the original Dick, all  dicks decend from me. You think you want drummer dick? No way! I'm the dick fucking master-" You rolled your eyes at him as he went on and took a bite of his ribs. "So anyway, and we fucked, and it was awesome.-" He paused "what did you do this weekend?" and thats when Charlie found out he was Adam... yikes...

  "wait... you're Adam- like- ohhh.. that makes so much more sense..." Charlie said as her face scrunched up.

  "I know I fucking rock" Adam said putting up the rock sign with his fingers. You slightly swat his arm, then you received a soft but quick glare from him as to say 'Jesus fuck i know... annoying bitch'.

  "Okay... Adam... Adam Sir-"

  "Call me dick master" Adam smirked, this caused you to give him another swat... this time making him some what listen to her... before he rants on again.

  You could tell Charlie was getting pissed and getting ready to stick it to the man.

Charlie tried to explain as quickly as possible because of the time Adam has spent ranting about his life, what he did, and how great he is. Charlie explained something about a hotel that can redeem sinners... I dont know, i lost track when they both started to sing...

Adam ended up throwing her out of the room.

You let out the deep breath you never knew you were holding in. "Adam..." you said slightly.

"I know what im doing, okay? don't fucking tell me what to do... I was on earth before you so I don't really give a shit." Adam said before shooing out all the other angels except you. Then he threw off his mask.

"You clearly don't... if they catch on-"

"fuck... shut up! okay? they fucking wont... I know what I am doing... just... leave for now Jesus..." Adam snapped in a fustrated tone as he threw off his mask.

"yes sir."

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