Chapter 7

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Your eyes widened as he told you the plan of going to the hotel first. His smirk never leaving as you sat in his lap and your face dropped. He clearly knew you didn't like the idea and his face changed into something more serious.

  "What? not a fan of a good idea?" He said as his grip on your hips tightened slightly.

  "Maybe this isn't a good idea..." You say putting a hand on his mask. "Something could go really wrong or-"

  "Listen, Y/N, how many of my plans have went wrong? exactly, none," Adam groaned out, "and besides, what's your pretty little pussy worried about? you don't love me do you?" Adam smirked.

  "Fuck you Adam."

  "Did that already, sugar tits." He said leaning in.

  "Would I be on your lap if I didn't love you?" You say in a quiet tone. "But that's beside the point! What if... you know, he-"

  "He?" Adam questions.

  "Lucifer-" You were shushed.

  "Shut it bitch! what did I say about mentioning his name!" Adam groaned and crossed his arms and looked away from you. You sighed and put your hands on his arms.

  "I know, Adam... I but what if he is there? you are messing with his daughter after all." You say rubbing his arms up and down.

  "I doubt he will do shit, he is a fucking pussy on Extermination day, you know this. He fucking hides like the pussy he is!" Adam said scoffing and letting his arms go limp on his lap then resting them around you and pulling you close and resting his masked head ontop of your head. "Don't worry about me or what will happen, okay? not like you cared then so why care now?" he said as you could feel his grip tightening.

  He was slightly worried but he wouldn't tell you that outright. He didn't think about Lucifer showing up at all... you were right though, he was fucking with Charlie so what if big daddy did come and do something about it? Adam knew he hardly could take him on but he also knew his power was nowhere near as powerful as Lucifers.

  "I always cared and you knew this, it's just you are going to their hotel first, while the princess of hell is there and her daddy could show up to save his baby at any moment?"  You say pushing away from his hold and looking at him. You put your hands on his cheeks, "if anything happens to you... I wouldn't be able to handle it..."

  "Don't fucking worry, okay? I never made a mistake in my fucking life, and you know this, Y/N. I am the first man, best at everything." He said taking off his mask. "Nothing will go wrong, okay...? I know it won't..." He said as his lips softly pressed against yours. "Don't worry..."

  "Adam..." You sighed out as his forehead rested against yours.  "I love you..."


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