Chapter 11

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When Adam got home he was silent. He knew he should of told you way sooner, but this is the reason why he didn't. He would of kept the secret if Sera hadn't been spiteful and went ahead and told you them already. Adam knew you were more mad about the deal then anything else. The angel was one thing she was upset about, but, the deal made you furious. Adam knew it was more about Lilith then the deal too, if it were anyone else you would of been fine, but since he left you for her, he knows what this is all about and no, he wouldn't leave you for her again after what she did to him with Lucifer.

Adam pushed open the bedroom door to you sleeping and cuddling the blankets. He sighed then took off his mask and walked over to your sleeping form, he gently pushed hair out of your face and then bent down and softly kissed you. Your eyes fluttered open and you just stared at him.

"You are home..." You said as you sit up and look at him, "We need to talk..."

"Yeah I... know? okay... I fucked up big time... I should of told you earlier..." Adam said sighing and turning away.

"What even is this deal..." You yawned rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes. "Was it something to do with sex-"

"No! No! Fuck no! Why the fuck would I want her back after what she did... besides I have a nice piece of ass in front of me," Adam smirked and leaned in for a kiss before you put your hand up, Adam groaned, "Cock blocker..."

"What was the deal then?" You say putting the hand down so you can see his face. He looked upset.

"I want to tell you but I can't... It's apart of the deal, I am sorry, Y/n..."

"Then how does Sera know?"

"Because Lilith told her about it and I am not allowed to share it..." Adam groaned. "All I can tell you is that she wanted something big and I gave it to her for something in return, that's it." You just nodded.

"How do I know you aren't lying, or- or- gonna-" Adam shushed you.

"I promise it wont affect us... at all, okay? Well maybe... but it has nothing to do with sex or anything like that, okay...? I love you, and only you." Adam said as he put his hand on your cheek. ", and you, you are going to come with me when we do the Extermination this year, okay? we might need your help and... your extraordinary power."


"Come on we need this... heaven needs this..." Adam said pleadingly.

"You know I don't like the Extermination... I don't have the heart to kill..." You say sighing and looking away.

"Please, Y/n... all you have to do is stay by my side and if i need help you just have to... zap them, like fucking... pew pew!" He made small things of light come out of his hands, ", like that you know?" Adam smiled slightly.

"Fine..." Adam cheered at your response, ", but!" Adam groaned.

"What is the 'but'?" Adam whined out.

"You have to teach me how to use them, I never really used them and I don't know how powerful I am..." You blush as you just embarrassed yourself.

"Oh- God didn't tell you? Danm babes, trust me you are very, very powerful, more powerful then Lilith since you were... the actual first woman." Adam said proudly. ",my, Y/n, is powerful, very, very powerful." Adam said looking back at you and smiling. You just gasped in shock, "I know right? Pretty fucking cool if you ask me!" Adam beamed.

"Wait- so, I am right below Lucifer in power? Human soul of course."

"Yep! I wonder why God didn't tell you... huh... Fucking odd, anyway, ready to learn how to use these amazing powerful powers of yours?" Adam smirked, ", you will be learning from the best of the best." Adam pointed a thumb at himself. You just giggled. ", and Y/n?"


  "Do you forgive me...?"

  "Of course Adam... of course..."

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