Chapter 9

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  You didn't get a chance to be in the meeting with the princess of hell, but you sure as hell heard of it when Adam came home. Adam went on another one of his ranting sprees about how he basically made the princess of hell look stupid in front of Sera and Emily. You just nodded along with it because you knew he liked to rant and he liked to seem like the bigger man in front of you to show off his amazing work skills. Adam subconsciously got closer to you as he spoke until it got to the point of where he had his arms wrapped around you without him even realizing. You smiled at this as he did this. Adam was just talking and talking to the point of where he looked at you and smiled back at you for no reason. You took his mask off while he was talking, and as you guessed, he continued but put his hand on your small one and looked in your eyes.

  His eyes were soft as he looked at you and he suddenly stopped talking which was odd. He slowly leaned in and gave you a bunch of kisses all over your face. You giggled as he did this, that caused him to do more playful kisses on your face. Then he gave you a big kiss on the lips which cased you to smile at him when he pulled away.

  "Ive been mean to say some shit to you... about this? Us..." Adam said sheepishly as he put his hand on your cheek and gently rubbed it. "So uh, the first thing is, I love you, and second thing is do you want to be my date and kill in the extermination...? or what ever the fuck a date is..." Adam mumbles the last part. You just giggled at his attempt to ask you out on a date.

  "Of course Adam... maybe not on extermination day though, not exactly the best date idea when I am hardly an experienced fighter as you are, besides you are off doing your own thing on the extermination." You practically laughed through the whole time as you said that. Adam got embarrassed at this.

  "Yeah uh, fuck, what ever I guess? wanna go somewhere else? an bar down in hell? or like... a concert in hell? they have pretty good tunes..." Adam said as he looked away embarrassed by the idea of having a date on the extermination day. You giggled at his idea and kissed his cheek quickly.

  "Of course Adam, I would love to." You smiled sweetly at him as you said this. It caused Adam to look at you with excitement in his eyes.

  "Wait really? you aren't fucking with me right? like... no fucking jokes? all truth?" Adam beamed as he was real excited to go out with you. You just giggled and nodded as you kissed his cheek. "WOO FUCK YEAH MAN! I GOT A GIRLFRIEND THAT WANTS TO GO OUT WITH ME!" Adam screamed to himself.

"Okay Dick Master calm down," You say this causing him to get more excited.

"WOO SHE CALLED ME DICK-" You covered Adam's mouth with your hand and shushed him. Adam sheepishly smiled as you pulled back your hand. "Sorry, fuck, uh, I mean im really fucking excited for you to go out with, the one and only, original man, and original dick." Adam said proudly. "Even though you already did when we were alive but thats besides the point, I love you now, and I was foolish enough to leave you by yourself."

"It's okay Adam... don't sweat it, okay? all that matters now is that I love you and you love me... right?" You say sweetly as you hold his hands gently.

"Lord... fuck yes... I love you so fucking much, Y/N." Adam yawns.

"I love you too, Adam." You say as you kiss his cheek, "Lets get to sleep, yeah?" Adam nodded and grabbed you tightly and picked you up swiftly as he stretched his wings. You gasped in shock as he did this.

"Adam-!" You squeaked out but you were shushed by him as he threw open the bedroom door and throwing you on the bed. He quickly took off his robe and thew himself next to you. He scooted himself closer to you and wrapped his arms around you before nuzzling his head in your neck gently kissing it quickly then closing his eyes. He then wrapped his wings over you and him, he smiled at how close you were, and you smiled too. You were so happy, the happiest you had been in a long time.


"Yeah, Adam?"

"I love you..."

"I love you too, Adam..."

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