Chapter 13

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Today was the day. The one and only, Extermination Day.

  That morning Adam was well enough to have a little fun with you before he started his day, to say the least he was rough and loud. But you didn't mind, it was like he didn't have anything to worry about today. All morning explained in detail about how much he loved you, and that is how you knew he was stressed, but he got this. He knows he has it.

  Adam was currently getting ready for this, hyping you and the other exterminators up in the process. Adam painted your wings the night before so he can show everyone how 'badass' you are. Mostly he painted a little 'A' on you and the rest was a pattern of full color. You let him do his thing because he seemed so happy putting the 'A' on you. His goofy smile made your whole night better.

  Now that Adam made a huge... kinda huge? speech about killing the demons at the hotel first, any Vaggie. You were very nervous when they all started to fly down. You hardly been here... you know nothing about this place except that its bad and you had to kill innocent souls. Adam told you to stay by him unless he is fighting someone powerful.

  The demons had an avantage somehow as a huge... sheld? That was currently killing some of the exterminators. Your face dropped as this happened... You could hear Adam yelling at Lute for something but you couldn't hear... you were too frozen, they can kill us all with our own weapons. Adam looked over to you and noticed this so he flew and punched it. All you did was gasp.

  Adam quickly looked back at you. "Stay back! Over there!" and to that you simply nodded your head and watched him fly off to a red demon. You looked over to where Lute was, she was just doing the same thing. You weren't meant for this.

  "Fucking fight!" Lute screamed at you. You were going to die, or atleast it felt like you were. But you listened to Lute as you threw small balls of light at the demons down below that were trying to kill some of the angels. You didn't do a real good job as you only hit one by a hair. You really didn't know what you were doing.

  You seen Adam struggle with the demon before him. You gasped as he swung his... special guitar sword at him and practically killed the demon. Adam just laughed and flew back to you quickly and started shooting light at the demons.

  "Come on babe! isn't this fun! woo!" He screamed as he shot light at them. You just nervously nodded and gasped as you seen two lambs flying to you. Lute stabbed one and Adam smirked at you and whispered, "Watch this." Then flew off infront of the Princess and made her fly to the sign of her hotel... oh fuck... 

  As Adam fought him you continued to try and kill some of the demons that tried to kill you. Then you seen a white thing flying to Adam... the big man himself, Lucifer. Your eyes widened as you flew as fast as you can to where Adam was, but you were too late as Adam was punched in the face by him, causing him to get thrown into the glass of a sky view window. You gasped, "Adam!" you screamed causing Lucifer and Charlie to look at you. Lucifer's eyes widened as he seen you... It couldn't be...

  "How many more of these freaks do I have to fight..." Adam said climbing up. Half of his mask was shattered.

  "Oh Im the only one that matters,"  Lucifer said but stopped as he looked at you.

  You stood in front of Adam with your wings up and out. ",Y/n- your gonna get yourself fucking killed!" You shook your head as you glared at Lucifer. You were way taller then him, and your wings similar to his but bigger.

  "Y/n- This is not your fight, don't let your sweet nature get ruined from Adam." Lucifer knew your name? How... You glanced at Adam then back at Lucifer with wide eyes. This isn't right, whats going on. Adam's eyes widened and he lunged at Lucifer, causing him to shape shift and fly away from him, while you just stood there confused and shocked. The king of hell knew you? How did he know you? You looked at Lute who had no arm no more. You gasped again as a beam of light came to you, you quickly moved but felt a horrible pain from your wings. You went crashing down to the ground where demons surrounded you. You looked up and seen Adam do the same but Lucifer followed, and you crawled to him. Lucifer had picked you up after he punched Adam, causing you to scream as he did so. You shoved yourself out of his arms and tried to crawl through the crowd. But when you did you seen him stop talking and fall  you gasped and screamed as he was getting stabbed repeatedly. You were quickly at his side in a second.

  Your eyes widened and you repeatedly called out his name, shaking him. "Adam! Adam?" You cried out... his eyes locked with yours as his slowly closed.

  "I love you..." Was the last word he had said to you before his halo fell... and thats when you knew he was gone. Lute screamed too and ordered the whole army to go back, but she glared at you and smirked. You just sat there crying and holding Adam. Your head hung in shame as you cried silently. He promised, he promised he was going to be okay, and he wasn't.

  "Why did you leave me... my angel... why did you leave me..."

  You couldn't fly or do anything because of your wing, so you just looked at all the Demons. "What? you gonna kill me now?! huh?! well fucking do it!" You screamed, you seen Vaggie shrug and take a step to you but Lucifer stopped her.

  "No, not her... she's special..."

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