🍎 Black Roses Part. 1🍎

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I was working at the Hazbin Hotel as a gardener. I was setting up some black roses and purple ones as well on the side of the hotel for more of a calming nature for the new customers to come to the hotel. Unfortunately, the hotel was barren, but when the time comes, I hope people find the garden appealing. Charlie Morningstar, the manager and founder of the hotel, had exciting news for everyone. I rinsed my hands off and went inside as I saw Alastor, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husker, Nifty, and Sir Pentious waiting for the exciting news.

"Hello everyone! I have exciting news. My dad is coming over to visit the hotel!", Charlie announced as everyone was in shock. If my jaw can reach the ground, it would have pretty much done so. "We gotta make a great impression on him so he can see what we have to offer for sinners to be rehabilitated." Everyone nodded, except for me and Alastor seemed to notice that right away. His ghastly grin loomed over me as I was thinking of a way to disappear until Lucifer was gone. Everyone was getting the hotel ready while I was in the garden thinking about Lucifer.

I used to have a crush on him when he and his wife, Lilith, separated. However, things got complicated as he went into a deep depression and as a result, I stopped working for him. "You know it's not nice for someone to not wear a smile." I heard Alastor's radio voice coming from the top balcony. "Hi Alastor," I nonchalantly said as I stared at a black rose. Alastor hopped down beside me and I looked up at him with worry. "What seems to not make you smile, my dear?" I sighed as I stared up at Alastor. "I used to work for Charlie's dad and I never told her how I felt about her dad." Alastor nodded in understanding.

"Maybe I can help with getting rid of him for you," he smiled as he almost turned into his deer demon form with static coming out from him. I shrieked and said, "No! Please I just want this to be a nice gathering for Charlie and her father to spend time together. I'll just be out of their hair for the time being. Just don't tell Charlie about how I feel about her father. That would just open fresh wounds to the scars I have had working for him." Alastor smiled and returned to the inside of the hotel.

Lucifer's Arrival

"Okay everyone! It's showtime!", Charlie announced as she opened the front door to reveal Lucifer. "Charlie!", he said as he hugged Charlie. "Umm...it's good to see you dad," she strained and he let go, "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" I was hiding behind a wall as I watched Lucifer talking to everyone and having a good time. "Say uh where's (Y/n)?", Charlie asked Alastor. My heart was pumping very hard against my ribcage, as if it wanted to break through. "She's probably in the garden!", Alastor said with a creepy smile.

"Oh you bastard!", I mentally shouted in my head as I wanted to run away as fast as I could, but all I could do was hide in a spare bedroom. Lucifer looked at Charlie and said, "(Y/n) is here?!" Charlie nodded as she was very excited to show him the garden I made for the hotel. Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor were walking towards the garden and I was breathing very hard about what to say to Lucifer. "Hey Lucifer! Remember me as the one who had a crush on you when I used to work for you?" Good Satan in the sky, what am I going to do?"

Outside at the garden
"And here we have the garden that (Y/n), our gardener, built for the guests to enjoy serenity when they arrive," Charlie said as she showed Lucifer the garden. I was in a clear view of where the garden was in the spare bedroom. Alastor was behind me and touched my shoulder. I let out a yelp and said, "God dammit Alastor!" He just chuckled and said "Just go out there and talk to him." I frowned and said, "Oh, fine. But I want to be alone with him if you can try and get Charlie and Vaggie away for the time being." Alastor agreed and went off to tell Charlie and Vaggie that I wanted to show Lucifer the garden.

It seems like they agreed and left while I took a deep breath and went outside the garden. I saw Lucifer looking around at the black roses and I closed the door gently so we wouldn't be disturbed. I watched Lucifer carefully examine the roses as he was perfectly dressed. "Hello Lucifer," I said as he turned around to greet me. "(Y/n)! Oh it's so good to see you! Working at the hotel!" He hugged me as I felt like a lump was forming in my throat as I hugged him back. "It's so good to see you, too. How have you been?" Lucifer pulled back and smiled at me. "Doing well and good. Just been very busy with ruling over Hell and junk. What about you?"

I smiled as I lead him to a bench next to a fountain. "Fine. I've been doing fine with working around the garden." Lucifer sat down beside me and placed his cane down next to the railing of the bench. "So have you told Charlie about when she left home as an adult that you used to work for me? Huh? Huh?," Lucifer asked while elbowing me. "Actually, no I didn't. I didn't want her to think of me as a weirdo for working beside her dad or be fired." He frowned at that and said, "I see. Well you look good. I mean not that you didn't look good when you worked for me or anything like that." I chuckled as I said "You look good too." We stared at Hell's sky that was red and I asked Lucifer, "Do you ever get lonely?"

Lucifer looked at me with a small smile. "Sometimes. I have my rubber duckies to keep me company." Vaggie came outside as she walked over to us and said "Charlie told me to tell you that you can stay for tonight as it's a long trip back to your mansion, sir." Lucifer's eyes lit up and said "Oh good! I do have a suitcase in my trunk that I will be happy to get set up!" Lucifer quickly got up and looked back at me. "You coming inside?" I shook my head and said "I'll meet you inside. I'm just going to stay out here for a while longer." Lucifer smiled back and went inside. Vaggie looked at me with worry and sat down beside me.

"What seems to the problem?" I looked up at her and said "Okay don't tell Charlie, but I used to work for Lucifer before the hotel opened and, well I had feelings for him when I used to work for him." Vaggie nodded in understanding and replied, "Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" I sighed as I looked at a rose. "I can't. It's been too long and what if he already has a lady?" Vaggie stroked my shoulder gently. "Maybe...Maybe not. You never know unless you tell him how you feel. And don't worry about Charlie. She is very understanding and she would be happy for you and her dad." I nodded as I looked at Vaggie and hugged her gently. "Thanks Vaggie. Maybe I'll tell him tonight when he gets settled into his bedroom."

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