Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Sadie, come on baby, it's your last day of school."

Summer vacation could not come any sooner. Apparently though, neither could the end of my school years. In the fall, I'd be forced to choose where my path lay. My choice would potentially affect my whole future.

"Sweetie, wake up." Slowly opening my eyes, I woke up to see my Mum sat on the edge of the bed, close to tears. She tried to bite them back, but her attempts came to no avail.

"What's up ma?" I asked, crawling out from my duvet and resting my head on her shoulder, rubbing small circles on her back with my hand.

"You're my baby, and before too long, you'll be leaving me." She sniffed, desperately trying to wipe away the tears with her thumb.

"Ma, I'm not leaving you. I'd never leave you." I promised, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "So are you going to help get me ready for my last day?"

She smiled, standing up and helping me up to my feet. One by one, she pulled outfits out of my wardrobe, taking a moment to inspect them before throwing them onto my bed.

When she reached my prom dress though, she didn't throw it to my bed, but instead hung it on the door, as she gently clasped the hem, her fingers feeling the material of the dark blue silk.

"You're going to look so beautiful tonight." She whispered. I don't think she intended for me to hear, but I did. The tradition for the leavers was that prom was to be held on our very last day. The school gave us a half day, which in my case, was probably a good thing because for me to dress myself, do my makeup and my hair, it must take an eternity.

Mum had finally decided on an outfit, and wasted no time thrusting it into my arms.

"Uh, ma," I began, but she understood what I was hinting at and left the room whilst I changed into my clothes. She chose wisely, matching light blue short shorts with a flowery blouse. I adored the combination, it was one I'd never tried before.

Teasing a comb through my blonde hair, I pinned several pieces of hair up, including my fringe.

Finally, I felt fairly happy with how I looked. Wandering aimlessly downstairs, I arrived in the kitchen. I rifled through the cupboards, looking for something to fill my empty stomach.

My hands landed on porridge, so I followed the instructions on the packet, placing the porridge into the microwave. Knowing my history of microwaves, I was reluctant. The growling in my stomach was really the only thing urging me to press the start button.

Routing through the fridge, I found a ripe banana on the top shelf, which I peeled and chopped. I flicked on the radio, and began to dance around the kitchen island.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a morning person but there was just something about the way the sun was shining through the window, the way it was mildly warm at such an early time.

Behind me, the microwave let out a fairly loud ping. In hindsight, taking the bowl out of the microwave with my bare hands was a wrong move on my part. The bowl was so hot that it scolded my fingers.

That hurt.

A lot.

Scattering the banana I'd chopped up into the bowl, I grabbed a spoon and started wolfing down the warm substance. Soon enough, the bowl was empty, and I was left with the dull feeling of hunger still in my stomach. I stood up, placed my bowl in the dishwasher, and headed back upstairs to my room.

There, I rummaged through the contents of my bag, only removing things I really didn't need. Which wasn't a lot, because being part of the female population, most things in my bag were considered necessary, even if I never used them.

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