Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I smirked, as Harry's face contorted with concentration. The pencil in his hand moved lightly across the page, leaving faint lines and markings.Every so often he would furrow his eyebrows, seemingly unimpressed with whatever he happened to be focusing on at that given moment.

"Stop worrying. I'm sure it looks great." I reassured him as my hands fiddled with the blades of grass that stood beneath my legs.

"Could you stop moving?" Harry let out a deep breath of frustration. "Please?"

"Whatever," I mumbled, staring blankly at the trees that cast looming shadows over my garden.

"Sadie, you know I didn't mean it like that." He tried to explain, but I kept my gaze on the branches of the trees.

For a while I sat still, breathing in the fresh air and watching as bees hopped between flowers. It was nice. The sun wasn't too high, but it was high enough to give the early morning a slight warmth. Where the sun was hitting me in little patches, I could feel the warmth heating my skin.

"I think I'm finally done." Harry cleared his throat. I threw him a quick glance but decided to remain silent, mainly out of stubborness. He turned the sketchbook around so that I could see within the pages. I let out a slight smile as I saw that he'd chosen (yet again) to engrain my image into the paper. 

"Is that what I really look like?" I crawled through the grass, peering closely at the depiction. Every little detail had been captured so precisely. From the small freckles that dusted my cheeks, to the cupid's bow of my lips. 

"I guess. I'm really not sure of the outcome but it sort of resembles you." He frowned, taking the rubber in his hands and lifting it to the page.

"It's perfect," I smiled, plucking the rubber from between his fingers. 

"Are you sure?" He asked, searching my face for any signs of deceit.

"I'm sure." I whispered, taking his lips with mine. "Can I draw you now?"

"Sure." He held out the sketchbook and pencil, which I gratefully received from him. The pencil between my fingers felt like it had always been there and was nothing but an attatchment of me. This pencil, at one time, had said the words that I couldn't bring myself to say. It had, at another time, been the reason for my happiness. It had been the one thing that helped me up when I was down. Such a little piece of graphite meant such a lot to me.

"Are you finished yet?"

Harry had been nothing but impatient. Each time I even lifted the pencil from the paper, he would be asking if I'd finished. 

"Not yet, just a few more little details and I'll be done." I explained. The last few speckles of shade were added to the piece and I placed the pencil down, finally content with the drawing.

"So, are you done now?" Harry asked, his eyes lit up with eagerness.

"I'm done." I told him, laughing slightly. He leant over me and grinned.

"You made me handsome." He chuckled, kissing the top of my forehead.

"You were already handsome." 

"I know."

I set the sketchbook and the pencil down beside me and settled myself next to Harry. He wrapped his arm around me, bringing me into his body. 

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He murmered, the hot breath of his voice tickling my neck.

"Me neither." I pushed a strand of hair behind his ear. 

The sun was higher in the sky, letting us know that it was getting later in the day. We had been sat outside for several hours whilst the world moved around us. 

"Hungry?" I asked, looking into Harry's eyes.

"Not really, but I could do with a drink." He replied. I stood to my feet and helped Harry up. Fumbling hands found each other, shy smiles were exchanged, comfortable silence was shared.

That's how we worked. We didn't have to say a single word, but we could be completely comfortable around each other. 

"Can you pass me a glass please?" Harry leant across the counter and pointed to the cupboard. I retrieved a glass from the cupboard, passing it over to his outstretched hand. Reaching into the cupboard, I produced a glass for myself before filling it up with water.

The cool water slipped down my throat easily, quenching the thirst that had hung over me for a while. 

"There's not long left now." Harry said after a gulp of his soda.

Something shifted inside of me.

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