Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Daisies bent with the wind, and wind chimes whispered their hello's to the peaceful world. Everything seemed so relaxed. Everything appeared so mellow and untroubled.

The grass we lay in tickled at the bare skin of my legs. Harry had found the increase in temperature unbearable, and had even rolled up his skinny jeans in an attempt to cool himself down.

Who even wore skinny jeans in the summer?

"I'm still hot," He whined, fanning himself with his hand.

Out of his sheer stubbornness, Harry refused on returning home the day after he stayed the night; he insisted on staying for the remainder of the day and trying to enjoy the sun.

It was strange, the two of us interacted and harmonised like we'd known each other for years, when in reality, it had only been two days.

"Harry, you're wearing skinny jeans, of course you're going to be hot," I rolled my eyes, reaching for my glass of pink lemonade and slowly taking a sip.

"Did Sadie just call me hot?" He prodded me in the ribs, shuffling over so that he was behind me. He seemed unfazed as I squirmed about in his arms.

"You know what I meant smart ass," I managed to choke out, between fits of giggles. Once he decided that I'd suffered through enough torment, he released me from his grasp, returning to the position he had previously assumed.

"I'm still hot though, what am I going to do?" He complained, letting his head fall back as he let out a groan. His curls flopped over his eyes, and he flicked his head slightly, trying to push them back into the main area of his chocolate-coloured hair.

His eyes darted to the hose that lay attached to the side of the house.

"I have an idea," He smirked, standing up and peeling his t-shirt from his torso. Underneath, lay a muscular stomach, the sun highlighting each curve and defining each abdominal. His arms were athletic and I could safely assume that Harry was well-built.

Next to fall to the floor were his jeans. I covered my eyes innocently whilst Harry stood before me, wearing nothing but a pair of dark grey Calvin Klein boxers. He jogged over to the hose and tugged on it, pulling it out to the centre of the garden.

"Don't you dare Styles," I warned. Peeking through the gap in my fingers, I noticed that the nozzle of the hose was pointed directly at me.

"Oh, I dare," He remarked, sticking his tongue out. His hand was hovering over the nozzle, threatening dangerously to turn the hose on.

Jets of water began pouring onto me, and pretty soon after, I was sodden and damp. I tried putting my arms up, in order to deflect the water away from me, but that came of no use.

I looked down at my mildly see-through summer dress, and then looked up to see Harry grinning from ear to ear.

"It's on," I stood up, and somehow managed to grab the hose from his burly hands, aiming the nozzle at him. By now, we were both drenched in water and probably looked like two drowning rats. Well, Harry sort of resembled baby Tarzan, but I presumed that I matched the image of a drowned rat.

The summer air dried us out fairly quickly and it warmed up my cool skin. Harry had covered up with his t-shirt, but was smart enough as to refuse on wearing the skinny jeans.

Finally the boy got some sense.


"Are you cold?" Harry asked, his hands cupping around the warmth of the mug of hot chocolate.

"No," I lied, snuggling further into the blanket that was wrapped around me. Harry kicked the ground, propelling the swinging chair forward gently and the rocking motion continued.

"Are you sure?"


The only light was from the chimney, which was crackling and spitting beside us. I picked out the marshmallows from my hot chocolate, before blowing on the liquid, trying to avoid burning my already sensitive tongue.

"Sadie?" Harry freed one of his hands from the mug, and ran it through his hair, pushing back any stray curls.


"Can we play truth or dare?"

"Uh sure," I replied hesitantly.

Whenever I'd played truth or dare previously, it had never ended well, so I was unsure about whether I really wanted to take that risk again. The last time I played, I was forced into completing a dare that involved me getting naked in front of a group of boys. It was either that, or be forfeited into getting somewhere close to second base with one of that group. The shame that followed will still be with me when I'm in my grave.

"So, truth or dare?"

"Truth," My whole body filled with uncertainty. Now, I'd be obliged to spill a secret on the topic of whichever Harry desired.

"Ok, urm, I'll start easy I guess, who was your first kiss?" I felt my cheeks burn red.

"I've not had one yet," I answered, half expecting to be laughed at. But the sound of laughter never arrived, instead, Harry stared at me in disbelief.

"You haven't?" Harry's clarification came in the form of me nodding my head solemnly.

"Why so surprised Styles?" I shot him a quizzical look, and he merely let his shoulders rise and fall in a shrug-like manner.

"Just thought a pretty girl like you would have at least had a first kiss," He joked.

"Oh bore off," I convulsed, nudging him so that he slid off the swing.

"Ow." He winced upon impact with the ground. His hand went to rub the part of his back which had came into contact with the grassed area of land.

It reminded me of when I fell of a swing when I was much younger. Except I'd been lurching back and forth a lot quicker than we were on the ornate chair swing. I enjoyed the rush, the adrenaline kick that venturing so high into the air. I adored the freedom it allowed me. Unfortunately, my liberty came to an abrupt end fairly quickly. I'd ventured a little to high, and was sent hurtling through the air. It never stopped me from daring to swing higher.

I always wanted to rebel against the possible.

I always wanted to defy everything.

"Sadie, you're shivering, are you sure you're not cold?" Harry's eyes held mine; he remained cross legged on the floor, appearing too lazy to remove himself from the ground. I shifted my weight and shuffled down beside him.

"I'm very cold," I admitted, raising my arm to show Harry the raised hairs that were scattered along my skin. He acknowledged them, and finally made an attempt to stand to his feet. He helped me up, and we headed inside, seeking warmth.

"Harry, it's late, you should probably go home," I told him, pointing to the time on the old clock that hung by a fixture.

"You're right, but before I go," He paused, grasping his bomber jacket from the couch, "tell your mum thanks for letting me stay over."

"Will do," I smiled.

"Night Sadie,"


The door shut behind him, and I was left with the silence of the house surrounding me. Flicking the light switch in the living room, I trudged upstairs, and subsided into the snug confines of my duvet.

If I could sleep forever, I would.

(A/N) Meow. This chapter's more of a filler. Harry and Sadie are slowly beginning to grow closer, but it won't all be plain sailing.

You guys will have to wait to see what happens next. ;)

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