Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"I will hate you forever more." I stated, folding my arms across my chest.

A light drizzle began to fall over the crowd and the rain had began to make my clothes soggy. The only retreat from the rain I could make use of was the hood on my navy blue Hollister jacket. It didn't provide much of a barrier from the droplets; within minutes I was drenched.

"You love me really," Harry winked. He would say that. He was dry. He had been smart enough to bring a waterproof jacket.

"Deep down," I muttered through gritted teeth.

The mood had grown dimmer since the rain began. Before, everybody had been excitedly chattering around us, but now all that fell over the place was a shadow of gloom.

"Harry?" I asked, poking him in the shoulder to capture his attention.


"I can't see the stage. Can I get onto your shoulders?" The amount of sickly sweetness in my voice was enough to give anybody a sugar overdose.

Harry obediently crouched down, allowing me to awkwardly stumble onto his shoulders. He stood up slowly and finally I could see everything.

It was exhilarating. I felt like I was on top of the world. Strange as it sounds, I felt free.

The familiar red-head figure of Ed Sheeran sauntered onto the stage in his hoodie and Nike Blazers. In his hand rested a chestnut brown guitar with the familiar orange paw print at the top of the body.

Never had it occurred to me to create a bucket list. If, however, I had written down my aspirations, seeing Ed live would be one of them.

Harry had been lucky enough to get tickets. He'd waited up all night for them to become available. Luckily, his perseverance had paid off. Nonetheless, hearing the phone ringing constantly in the early hours of the morning wasn't how I wanted to receive the news. Anywhere, anytime was fine with me, but as long as it didn't interrupt my sleep. Which it did.

I suppose I have to be a little bit empathetic. He was ecstatic; he probably couldn't wait to share his excitement.

So much so, that apparently he even forgot what time it was when calling me.

"You're just a small bump unborn, in four months you're bought to life." I sang along, pouring my heart and soul into my pitchy vocals. My hands were in the air, and I'd lost all the inhibitions I had previously owned.

"Fancy going backstage?" Harry looked up at me, a glint I'd never seen before lingering in his eyes.

"You got tickets?" In that moment, my heart skipped a beat.

"Not quite, but we can sneak in right?" It felt as though I was a child and somebody had just came and stuck a large pin into my red balloon.

The idea of sneaking in played on my mind. It didn't sound like such a good idea. Anything could happen. We could be caught, we could be arrested, but we could manage it and meet Ed. Toeing the line was a dangerous thing to do, and something I rarely allowed myself to.

"I guess," I smiled weakly. Harry aided me down from his broad back and we slipped through the streams of people.

"Just stay close behind, ok?" I knew Harry didn't require an answer to his question, but even so, I nodded my head slightly.

If we were caught, we would be in so much trouble.

My breath hitched in my throat as Harry began to talk to the security guards, trying to win them over with his infamous grin. Somehow, I doubted that schmoozing was the way to land yourself a place backstage.

"Look, kid, you aren't on the list, don't even bother trying," The security guard on the left spat. Even through his tinted glasses, we could see him looking down his nose at us. Harry's hands balled into fists, clenching and unclenching. Instantly, I could tell that he wasn't annoyed by the fact he couldn't manage to worm his way backstage. No. The way that the security guard had treated us had him riled.

Instead of inflicting serious damage onto the security guard, he just pinched the bridge of the guard's nose. He knew in his head that there was no way he'd take on a six foot slab of meat and make it out looking like he did before.

"Run," Harry shouted. The guard was so distracted with his nose that we managed to sprint backstage, until we became unsure of our exact location.

"Well, this is just great," I sighed, kicking the toe of my navy converse against a large black box, "I completely blame you for this."

"Me? What? Why?" Harry's voice went extremely high, a sure sign of denial.

"You and your messed up ideas. I knew we wouldn't make it backstage and meet Ed, why did I even listen to you anyway?" I groaned in frustration. Harry probably didn't know that for the most part, it was aimed at myself rather than him.

"We've made it this far, it's pointless giving up now," His eyes darted around the room, trying to search for something.

"What do you mean?" I paused, turning to face him.

"I mean, we're going to meet Ed even if it's the last thing we do."

He was mad. Crazy. Impossible. But he was determined. Courageous. And kind of stubborn.

Our eyes landed on a small corridor.

"Should we see what's down there?"


Each footstep we took through the corridor landed loudly and bounced from the white walls surrounding us. Other than that, it was silent. There were no voices, or any other footsteps apart from our own.

That is, until the both of us heard the faint strumming of a guitar somewhere in the distance.

My eyes widened. There was only one person that could be.

Edward. Christopher. Sheeran.

"That's...that's Ed Sheeran, in the room through there." My hand instinctively reached out for the wall to steady myself.

"It is." Harry grinned.

"If this goes wrong, I'm going to hate you forever."

"Hey," Harry whined and I received a playful slap to the shoulder.

"You didn't let me finish. However, if it goes right, I may have to love you forever."

"What are we waiting for?"

(A/N) I'm not going to do a part on where they meet Ed, because I think it'll get a bit boring and drag on slightly. Plus he wouldn't be relevant in the story. But whatever.

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