Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"So, I was thinking that we could go for ice-cream." Harry suggested, lazily tossing the orange he held into the air. Each time he clasped his fingers around the fruit, stopping it mid-fall.

"That sounds great." I mumbled, keeping my eyes locked onto the book I was reading. Harry had repeatedly distracted me whilst he rambled on about another random topic, so much so that I hadn't made it past the first page.

Eventually, I snapped the book shut out of frustration. There was no point even striving to read it if Harry insisted on blathering. The book was placed back on the shelf where it previously lay untouched.

"Thanks a lot Harry." I frowned, pushing past him and reaching for a bottle of water from the fridge.

"It's no problem." He stepped closer, using his arm to prop himself against the wall and prevent me from walking away.

"Harry, c'mon, let me go."

"I don't think so Sadie." He chuckled.

"Oh really?" I leant my head closer to his, looking him straight in the eye.

"Really." He whispered, taking my lips in his. The bottle of water I had been holding dropped to the floor, and I stood paralysed in shock. What surprised me most is that I didn't pull away, like I should have. Instead, my fingers played with a curl at the nape of his neck. The space between us became non-existent, our bodies at a closer proximity than ever.

"I guess I've just been your first kiss." Harry smiled as he pulled away, still slightly breathless. His forehead rested on mine and he pushed a wisp of blonde hair away from my face.

Every wall I'd ever built around myself had just crumbled to the ground.

In a matter of seconds, he'd tore them down so effortlessly.

"Where does this leave us?" I asked, my voice silent but shaky.

"I don't know," He replied, attempting to compose himself.

"Harry, that's hardly helpful." I regretted not pushing him away. I regretted the way it felt. Most of all, I regretted how much I enjoyed it.

"We could, uh, do it again, if you want?" His arm rested around my waist, pulling my body into his.

"I don't want." The little voice inside my head was screaming at me right now. I do want. I do want.

"Oh well, sorry." Harry stepped away, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No, I do want. I mean, I want to kiss you. For the second time." I blushed deeply. Harry advanced towards me, moulding our lips together.

The kiss was much like the first, but it held more passion, more need, more want. Harry's warm lips graced mine. His touch made me weak, it made me melt in his arms.

It shouldn't but it did.

The two of us craved oxygen when the kiss came to an end. All the adrenaline pumping through my blood settled.

"That was...amazing." I smiled, clenching onto the work top for support. Each breath I took became deeper than the last, allowing the full capacity of air to pass through my lungs.

"You, are an amazing kisser." Harry said slowly. A few unruly curls hung on his forehead, which he quickly swept back.

"Seriously though, where does this leave us now?" I was confused. He'd left me so confused. Friends didn't kiss each other like that. Friends didn't kiss you with so much emotion and depth that they made you indefensible.

"I guess there's only one place it can leave us," Harry concluded, after a minute or so of deep deliberation.

He and I both understood fully where it left us. Both of us had just signed an unspoken agreement.

The butterflies in my stomach took flight when Harry pulled me close enough that I could feel his eyelashes fluttering against my skin.

"We'll take it slowly right?" I questioned, unsure about whether my heart was really in the right place. There were a million possibilities and outcomes as to how this could end.

"We'll go at your pace." Harry's deep voice hummed into my ear.

It took me a few minutes of wriggling before I finally withdrew from Harry's reach. When I did, Harry chuckled slightly, focusing his gaze onto me.

"What?" My voice sounded slightly irritated, more so than I had intended.

"It's nothing," He paused, "well it's just that you look adorable when you blush."

(A/N) Oooh, don't lull into a false sense of security because whilst everything might be good now, it might not be later. There are challenges around the corner.

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