Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

'Fate is like a train, you're bound to be hit by it if you stand on the tracks for too long.'

The days were slipping from my clutch, and there was nothing I could do to keep a hold. They trickled through the gaps in my fingers.

Everything had a sense of finality about it. The tickets that would be taking me over the ocean had arrived in the post a few days earlier. I hadn't opened them, but instead left them lay on the table beside my bed. The suitcase that would hold everything that I needed sat on the floor, with clothes and other items strewn everywhere.

I felt like I was flying the nest. Rather than flying though, I was falling. The ground could not cushion my fall this time.

I glanced around the kitchen, allowing a quiet sigh to escape my lips. I was already feeling twinges of homesickness and I hadn't even stepped out of the front door yet.

My eyes came to rest on the college itinerary that I'd been sent through the post. All that it really told me was when the term would start and which books I may need, most of which I already had.

It wasn't until Harry had strolled I and coughed loudly that I averted my gaze from the piece of paper.

"What've you got there?" He asked curiously, peering over the table to read the sheet. I crumpled it up and hid it under my resting arms.

"Nothing," I lied. He raised an eyebrow and I knew that he saw through my lies.

"It's obviously something."

"Nope, it doesn't matter." I stood up from my chair and threw the paper into the recycling bin.

"Alright then." He shrugged, slumping into the chair opposite from me. He took my hand into his, and I allowed a small smile to tug at the corners of my mouth.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I drew circles on his palm with my forefinger, feeling the softness of his skin brush against mine.

"It doesn't matter," He mimicked me.

"Alright then." I mimicked back, shrugging my shoulders as he had done before.

"When you've finished getting ready, meet me in the car." Harry took his car keys from the table and headed out of the front door.

"So where are we going?" I pried as I sidled into the car minutes later.

"That would be telling." He tapped his nose and started the ignition. The car let out a small growl before the purr of the engine filled our ears.

"We're here," He smiled proudly. All I could see were rows and rows of trees. The trees seemed like they stretched out for miles.

"This is just a forest." I stated, confused by my surroundings.

"That's the thing, we have to walk a little from here."

"Oh." I mumbled, climbing out of the car and following Harry into the canopy of trees. For a while, the scenery remained unchanged and we were still enveloped by gatherings of trees. The trees became more sparse, and eventually we reached a clearing. The clearing was filled with a vast lake, which reached further than the eye could see.

"It's beautiful," The gasp that I let out was barely audible, a hushed exhale of breath.

"It is." Harry murmured in agreement, interlocking our hands and leading me over to a small patch of sand similar to that of a beach. "My childhood was this lake. I spent every summer here, underneath the warm sun. We swam, we played, it was amazing."

"Who's we?" I questioned curiously, scrunching my nose slightly.

"Tyler and I." I gave a perturbed look, which Harry acknowledged. "Tyler was my best friend."

"Aah," I smiled.

"I bought you here because this place means a lot to me. It's a metaphor for you." He chuckled. I slapped him lightly in the chest, to which he feigned an expression of hurt. Without warning, he hoisted me over his shoulder and started running towards the lake.

"Put me down," I panted, laughing so much that I could feel a stitch forming in my stomach muscles. "Harry, put me down."

The cold water splashed around me as I fell from his arms into the murky depths. When I resurfaced, I cupped my hands together and sent splashes of water in his direction. Harry responded quickly, returning splashes in my direction.

"Two can play at that game." He smirked.

(A/N) This chapter isn't my favourite. It's just a filler really, but some serious Hadie action coming up in the next few chapters. Nothing too obscene though.

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