Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The days drew in, the nights were longer and the daytimes were shorter. Summer was playing it's final piece, and then it would disappear behind the curtain. It would make way for the winter. Leaves would fall from the trees to their death, the air would grow colder and the sun would sit lower in the sky.

"I wish I could lie here forever," Harry mumbled into my ear. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. The crisp white sheets on his bed draped across the two of us. Delicate kisses were peppered across my neck.

"Mmh," I agreed, the pang of guilt hammering at my chest. What he didn't know couldn't hurt him, I tried to remind myself. I wriggled around in his hold, turning to face him.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered. Through the grin on his face, I could tell that my cheeks had flushed scarlet. I avoided his gaze, staring down at my hands on his chest. His finger caught my chin and tilted it towards him, placing his lips against mine.

Right there, in that moment, nothing else mattered. Everything else faded away from my mind. His soft lips on mine, the gentle heat radiating from his body. He made me forget everything. It was like he had some sort of hold over me. Those eyes, those brilliantly green eyes, drowned me in their murky depths.

Breathless, I broke away from the kiss. Harry threw a lazy smile at me, which I returned.

"Summer's almost over," Harry sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Don't remind me." I rested my head into his shoulder, burying my face into the soft skin.

"Is there anything you really want to do?" He asked. I pondered my options for a moment. There was a whole number of things I could think of. One in particular.

"Draw." I laughed lightly, lifting my face out of the crook of his neck.

"I should've guessed." His chest rumbled with a chuckle.

All I ever did was draw. Lately, I'd been so caught up with Harry that I just hadn't found the time to pick up a pencil and completely lose myself in a drawing. It had been so long since I'd put pencil to paper. Sometimes it was nice to forget the real world.

"Maybe I could finally draw a full portrait of you," I uttered, using my forefinger to trace patterns across Harry's bare torso.

"What?" Harry's face was plastered with confusion.

I'd forgotten that he didn't know about the drawings. I'd shoved them underneath my bed when he had stayed over. He'd never seen them; he knew nothing about them.

"There's, eh, something I never told you." I half-explained. Harry sat himself up and prompted me to continue. "You know, the drawings of me that you've done?"

"I know them well." Harry answered, even though I wasn't really expecting an answer.

"There may, or may not, have been similar ones stuck on my wall at one time." I finished. He sat with a bemused expression on his face, as if he was digesting what I'd just told him.

"Whilst you're at it, I might finish one of you," He winked, prodding me in the ribs.

"Very funny." I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm lightly.

He cocked his head to the side slightly, giving him the resemblance of a puppy. It was cute and endearing. The dimples in his cheek deepened, making them even more prominent than they previously had been. His smile was slight, enough to show a hint of playfulness but enough to keep it from being too devious. The smile reached his eyes, and little crinkles had settled themselves in the skin on his temples.

"I know," He leant forwards and gingerly left a kiss upon my forehead. He bestowed several kisses across my jawline before settling for a chaste kiss on the lips. I wanted more, but decided not to say anything as he climbed out of the bed and crossed the room. From the wall, he took several of his drawings and collected them into his hand.

"What are you doing?" I questioned in a low voice.

"These are my favourites. I wanted to show them to you." He rested himself on the end of the bed and spread out the pieces of paper. Each one displayed my image in various different angles and lightings. One was lightly sketched and then another looked as though the pencil had been used in a harsher manner.

"They're stunning," The way he had captured each scene was truly breathtaking. The likeness was uncanny, "and that sounded really conceited."

"It doesn't matter, it's the truth. All I did was draw you. In reality, it's all you."

"It's not all me. Your talent is amazing."

"It's always you."

(A/N) This chapter's so romantic. Aw. Aw. Aw. I officially ship Hadie.

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