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It was a random Thursday and Deepika was home doing her work. At around 9:30 pm at night she heard voices outside and peeked out to see her brother and his friends over again.

Sighing, she locked her room and continued with her work. Not caring about what was going on outside, she slept in an hour.

Some time later she heard a knock on her door and looked around groggily. She looked at the time and it read 12:30 am. Who was knocking so late? Was her brother not asleep yet?

She rubbed her eyes and walked towards the door in her sleepy state. All her sleep vanished seeing one of his friends standing on the door. And he looked extremely drunk.

Deepika immediately closed the door on him but he might have sensed her move because he held it open. She used all her strength but he obviously was stronger and pushed it open making her stumble back.

“What are you doing? Leave! Don't you dare take a step ahead.”

She warned trying to find something to defend herself from.

“Hey! Come on now! Don't be so uptight. I've seen you lock yourself in your room whenever we're here. But don't worry. I am sure you'll enjoy yourself. You just need to co-operate.”

Deepika felt chills down her spine. What did he mean by that? Where the hell was her brother?

She took a step back only for the drunk man to grasp her wrist and pull her closer. His hands roamed all over her back and he breathed in her neck. Deepika felt disgusted and sobbed begging him to leave her.

She slapped his face hard and looked at him in horror as his face contorted into a furious expression. He pulled her hair and bit her shoulder harshly making her cry and writhe against him.

When he didn't pull back and continued to worsen the bite, she couldn't bear anymore and kneed his groin. He doubled in pain and her eyes fell on the metal bottle kept on the side table beside her phone. She looked at the man and saw him getting unstable on his legs. He was definitely very drunk and couldn't fight.

Taking a quick grab at both the things, she swung the bottle hard at his head making him drop on the floor unconscious. She made a run out of the door grabbing her phone, not caring about any other thing.

Tears fell from her eyes when she saw her brother passed out on the couch. She would never forgive him. Ever.

She heard the man stumble out of the room and look at her with mad rage. Deepika's blood ran cold and and she made a beeline out of the house. She ran without any destination. Just trying to get as away from him as she could.

She finally came to a stop after running for what felt like hours. She looked behind and sighed in relief when she saw she wasn't being followed anymore. And then, fear gripped her when she looked around but couldn't figure out where she was.

Her hands started shaking and she dialled the first person that came in her mind.

Chirag was sleeping peacefully when he heard his phone ring. He groaned and ignored it for the first time thinking it to be fraud call.

When the call when unheard, Deepika panicked. She dialled his number again and Chirag tsked and looked at who was calling him at the hour. His sleep vanished seeing Deepika's name.

Sitting up straight he attended the call and heard her panicky sobs.

“Ch-chirag! I-I-help me please.”

She croaked. Her throat was aching due to all the crying. The area where the man bit her felt like it was bleeding. She couldn't get herself to slide the cloth and see what he'd done.

“Deepika? Kya hua? Where are you? Stop crying first! You're ok! You're fine! Mai hu yaha.”

He asked wearing his slippers and taking his car keys and jacket.

“I-I don't-don’t know where I am.”

He sat in his car while putting his phone on speaker.

“Koi baat nhi! Listen to me. Take deep breaths. Baby! Breathe! I am here. Mai aa rha hu. Ok!...Good! Now listen! Put your phone on speaker….yes very good. And now switch on your GPS, I am going to track your location and come to you. Great! I see you baby! Aa rha hu mai. Don't disconnect the call. Keep talking.”

He started the ignition and drove to her location. It showed 20 mins according to the map but he drove at the highest and reached in 10 mins.

“Chirag- yaha koi gaadi ruki hai. Someone is getting out Chirag. What if he had followed me here? Please come fast.”

“That's me baby.”

He whispered breathlessly and she ran into his arms as soon as she recognised him. He held her tight to calm her down. He could hear her heart beating wildly, her body trembling in his arms. He felt goosebumps on her arms and realised she was cold.

Peeling his jacket off himself he put it on her securing the zipper till her neck. He kissed her head and picked her bridal style when he noticed she was barefoot and bleeding.

What had happened? He'd get those answers later. First, he needed to make sure she was alright. He carefully placed her on the passenger seat.

She held his shirt looking at him with fear when he pulled back to move to the driver's seat.

“Where are you going?”

“I am here baby. Driving seat pr baithunga na.”

He explained as if explaining a baby. She looked at the driving seat and nodded softly before leaving his shirt.

Kissing her head he ran to the driving seat, he buckled both of them and started the ignition.
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