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He looked shocked at her question. Anya too was shocked. How could she ask someone somthing so personal when she just met them? But she needed to know the answer in order for him to answer another question of hers.

She wanted to know if he'd leave his girlfriend also if things got monotonous with her. Somehow the answer to it seemed important to her. Why? She didn't know.

Before he could ask her why she was asking that, his phone rang. It was his mother's call and he knew it must be important because his mother had never called him during class hours.

"Haan maa bolo....kya!?...kya matlab nhi mil rhi. Kaha jaayegi maa? Ghar pe hi hogi....mai aa rha hu."

He took his bag and ran off in a hurry. The call looked important and serious. Why did he look so panicked. Was everything alright? Was someone lost?

Anya couldn't concentrate on anything the whole day. She kept contemplating whether she should ask him if everything was fine or not. Finally after ruling out every possibility of what he might think and what reasoning she will give if asked, she decided to text him.

(Anya  Abhijeet)

Hey! Is everything alright there? You left in a hurry and whatever it was, it sounded serious. All okay na?

Abhijeet was lying on his bed when his phone pinged. He rolled over and checked who it was. He sat upright seeing Anya's message.

A smile formed on his face. She was caring.

Yeah! Everything is fine.

Somehow he felt the need to elaborate more and his hands moved automatically.

It was my sister actually. Maa thought she went somewhere and couldn't find her. So she panicked. Turned out she was hiding on the terrace from her. Her idea of fun you know😂.


How old is she by the way? Your sister?

She's 8.

Anya was confused at the age gap but shrugged. She cannot judge someone without knowing everything about it.

Sometimes she also craved for a sibling. She didn't know what it felt like to live with one. Especially a younger one. She had seen so many reels on siblings but maybe it wasn't in her destiny to experience a sibling's love.

I am glad she is fine.

Yeah! Me too.

Abhijeet stared at the screen and waited for her speak something more. He wanted her to. He didn't want the conversation to end so soon.

You didn't answer me question earlier.

He frowned. What question? Did she ask a question and he missed it? He went back through all the chats to find if she asked something he had not answered. But when he couldn't find anything he questioned.

What question?

Are you in a relationship?

He released an exasperated sigh. Why did she want to know that so bad?

Why do you want to know this?

Because I want to ask another question based on your answer on this one. Just answer na!

No I am not. Happy?

He smiled and shook his head.

You remember your statement about leaving things when they get monotonous?

So if and when you have a girlfriend, will you leave her also if things got monotonous with her?

Abhijeet did not expect this question. But he knew this was a trap. Whatever answer he would give would go against him. So he gave the most sensible and true answer.

First of all, I wouldn't date someone with whom things could get monotonous toh chhodne ki toh baat aayegi hi nhi.

Nhi but imagine if you start falling in love with someone who is plain, simple, boring and not adventurous. Tab?

The answer remains same. I wouldn't date someone with whom things could get monotonous.

So that means even if you start to love someone who is the opposite of what you prefer, you'll not go ahead with your feelings and date her?


Ok. Good night. See you tomorrow.

Somehow from her tone he knew he had said something he shouldn't have. Did he upset her somehow?

Anya, on the other hand was disappointed. What did he mean by he wouldn't pursue the one he loved just because she boring and not adventurous. But the big question was, why did it bother her?

Anya had been going to the classes since a month now. On the second day, she'd learned that she and Abhijeet lived at a 15 minute distance.

And so when Abhijeet offered to pick and drop her home, she had readily accepted it. Because anything to spend some extra hours with him, duh!

The two have formed a good bond over the month. She had finally started using her doubt session for asking actual study related doubts and kept everything else on WhatsApp or call.

Abhijeet was really good at explaining things. She understood them even better than when the teacher explained it.

She had also started taking extra efforts in getting ready. She started trying new hairstyles, started applying kajal and wearing good dresses to classes.

All this hadn't gone unnoticed by her father but he didn't question her because he trusted his daughter. He knew she'll tell him if there would be anything worth telling.

Although he had an idea that his daughter had a crush on the boy who came to pick her up but he didn't question her. Moreover, the boy seemed nice. He had often noticed him looking at his princess. His eyes held the emotions a man felt for his woman.

Abhijeet didn't know what he felt for Anya yet. He was confused and conflicted. It was more than crush but too early to be termed something else. It could be called what people nowadays call relationships as, complicated.

One thing he was sure of though was that he cared about her. A lot. And him telling his mother about her confirmed that. He'd never told his mother about any of his girl friends before.
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