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Mansi couldn't sleep that night. She was just too restless. He was in the room just in front of hers.

She sighed and got out of her room, her eyes lingered on his door for a minute longer before she moved towards the common balcony.

She sat on the sofa and folded her legs to her chest. Resting her head back she closed her eyes letting the cool breeze calm her heart and mind.

She heard footsteps behind her. They stopped near her and she peeked to see Ranit.

“Umm-I’m sorry. Didn't want to disturb you. I'll leave.”

He mumbled and started to turn.

“It's fine. You can join me.”

She said and he looked at her for a minute making her look away. He sat on the other end of the sofa and gave her a soft smile.

They played the game of stealing glances for the initial few moments. She found him looking at her with a cute frown and tucked her hair behind her ear feeling his intense gaze.

“You don't wear specs anymore!”

It wasn't a question. It was an observation. An observation which shocked her. He-he remembered her? Because the last time she wore specs was three years ago. And the last time she met him was almost 5 years ago.

“You-umm-you remember me?”

She asked and his frown deepened. Remember? If she knew how shocked and surprised he was when he saw her approaching him towards the car in the morning. All sorts of crazy thoughts invaded his mind seeing her after such a long time. The way his heart did somersaults scared him.

“Ofcourse I do. Why would you doubt that?”

He asked as if the question itself was invalid. She opened her mouth to answer but closed it again. Repeating the process a few times she finally shut her mouth.

“I didn't expect you'd remember me.”

She accepted and he smiled.

“I do.”

He said and she looked at him. Something in his tone told her there was more than she could see. Noticing his questioning gaze he clarified.

“I mean, we've done lots of events together. Obviously I'd remember you na.”

She nodded. That explains it. Obviously. The events. Why else would he remember her? It's not like he liked her or something. Only if she could hear his thoughts.

“So what about the specs?”

He repeated his question and she looked at him.

“I got a Lasik Surgery. Three years back.”

He nodded in understanding but continued to look at her. He was getting difficult to avert his eyes from her.


She asked in a whisper when he continued to look at her. His gaze made her shy.

“You looked cute with specs.”

She looked at him wide eyed. What was with him and his comments? Getting out of the initial shock, she asked.

“Cute? How do I look now then?”

He made a thinking face and got closer to her. Just a little but it made her heart race like she'd run a marathon. The little movement made her nervous yet excited. He examined her face and pondered, as if finding the right word. The word was on his tongue. Breathtakingly beautiful.

“Back then…you were cute. And now…you're still cute.”

He said and she blushed although a part of her wanted him to use a nicer word. Cute sounded like she was a baby. She wanted him to see her as a woman.

They sat in silence for some time. Just enjoying the weather and the company.

“By the way, why are you still awake?”

He asked and she raised her eyebrow at him.

“Why are you still awake?”

She counter questioned. He chuckled.

“I asked you first.”

“Fair point. I couldn't sleep.”

She answered and he frowned.

“Couldn’t sleep? All okay?”

“Yeah yeah! Nothing like that. Just abhi not sleepy. What about you? Why are you not asleep?”

“Same reason. Not sleepy right now.”

He shrugged and silence ensued again.

“You don't have work tomorrow?”

They asked at the same time and smiled looking at each other.

“I do have!”

They were in sync again and this time a laugh erupted out of their lips.

They shared eye contact. Was it the weather? Or did she see something in his eyes? Something that made her heart skip a beat. Something that made her skin tingle with excitement. Something that made her shiver with anticipation.

“You-umm-you want coffee?”

She asked, wanting to create a distraction.

“Nope! If I have coffee at this time, I'll not be able to sleep the whole night. And then subha nhi uth paaunga. So I think we should call it a night.”

He got up and put his hands in his pyjama pockets. She looked at him for a few seconds and nodded getting up. Uh oh! Big mistake! They were standing too close.

She craned her neck to look at him considering their height difference. She was only 5’6.

“Umm-good night.”

He wished and swiftly exited the room and entered his room. She controlled her squeal and rushed to her room jumping in happiness.

He called her cute! He found her cute even then! Oh she definitely wasn't getting any sleep tonight.
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