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3) They had  love marriage.

She is from a different religion.

His parents treat her too bad.

She hides it well.

What will happen when he will finally get to know the truth about his parents'?
"Heena! Mera wallet kaha rakha hai yaar?"

Heena shook her head with a smile listening to her husband shout from their room. She and Vihaan got married a month back after years of being in love.

Yeah! They were college sweethearts. It was difficult to convince their families given their religious differences. Vihaan being a typical Hindu boy while Heena was a Muslim girl.

There were many controversies, threats were hurled from both sides, but in the end both the families gave up in front of their kids.

And that's how Heena ended up married to Vihaan under the Special Marriage Act.

Leaving the vegetables she was cutting she went behind her husband's voice and saw him standing in front of the mirror setting his hair while whistling softly.

He stopped as soon as he saw her and asked in a mock irritated tone.

"Wallet Heena? Kaha rakha hai?"

He stood straighter and let her walk near him. She pulled open the side drawer where it was kept EVERYDAY and put it on the table.

"Wahi rakha hai jaga ROZ rakha hota hai Vihaan."

She smiled too sweetly and he now wasted no time in pulling her in his arms. Vihaan was the typical can't-keep-my-hands-off-my-wife husband. Or atleast in that phase right now.

Every opportunity he got, he took it to touch her. And if there wasn't any opportunity, he made it. Just like right now.

"Ummhmm! Excuses excuses!"

She exclaimed, rounding her arms around his neck not putting it on his face because her hands smelled like onion.

"Ab kya kare? Agar biwi ke paas time hi nhi ho toh pati bechare ko aise karna padta hai na."

He made a bechara face and she giggled nuzzling her nose into his giving him an opportunity which he did not leave and pulled her in in a kiss.

The kiss started off with slow strokes but soon deepened and got fast and passionate. Vihaan walked forward making her walk backward while still in his arms. Her legs hit the edge of the bed and she let her body fall back on it.

Vihaan groaned, feeling her soft curves under his body and angled her face to increase his pace even more. He left her lips to trail kisses down her jaw and neck.

Heena heard the cooker's whistle and jostled awake. She pushed him off her in a hurry and said.

"Breakfast! I was making breakfast!"

She started wearing the slippers that were removed in the process and started getting up making Vihaan groan in annoyance.

"A quickie? Please!"

She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth.

"Come back from the office and then I'm all yours. Promise!"

That didn't sound too bad to him. Grinning at her lazily from the bed he kissed her knuckles and she shimmied away after giving one last, wet kiss on his cheek.

Vihaan laid back on the bed and sighed with content. He couldn't get himself to believe she was really his wife.

He knew how difficult the time was when they had to convince their parents. He felt like his parents were still not ok with her being his wife but they were trying. Trying to accept her. Or that's what he thought atleast.

Heena had quit her job before their wedding. He didn't know what she thought but one day, she just came to him and told him she was quitting her job. That she wanted to be a stay at home wife. Take care of him and their home.

He had supported her. Just like he supported all the other decisions of hers. If she wanted this, she gets this. Doing a job was her decision. So, not doing a job would be her decision too.

He had planned on going somewhere abroad for their honeymoon but she had very politely declined saying she wanted to get settled at home before they went somewhere. He had found her request weird but complied nonetheless.

Heena joined her mother-in-law back in the kitchen. She started doing her job with a shy smile this time. Vihaan and his charm. She still felt like she was his girlfriend again. Sneaking around romantic moments and everything.

"De dia wallet?"

Her mother-in-law's question came out a bit more taunting. She chose to ignore the tone and answered politely.

"Ji mummy."

She could feel the woman's gaze still on her but did not look her way. And then she flinched because she had stormed out of the kitchen after slamming the chopping board on the counter.

Heena kept looking where she stood clueless at the sudden mood change. She knew her in-laws didn't like her. But she thought they'd atleast try to warm up to her.

It had been a month and there was no improvement. Her father-in-law didn't talk to her at all. Not a word exchanged. Her mother-in-law spoke to her as if she preferred not having any association with her.

Things will get better Heena. They will get better.

She reminded herself and took a deep breath, resuming her work at hand.

Heena was sitting on the living room couch waiting for Vihaan to reach home. It had become a part of her routine to wait for him and then they'd have their dinner together.

It was 10:30 and her in-laws thankfully went to their room. She knew Vihaan would be there any moment and she started heating the food up.

The doorbell rang and a huge grin took place on her lips. One look at his lovely wife and all his exhaustion melted away. He breathed into her neck dropping his face on her shoulder. She massaged his head, threading her fingers in his hair and he groaned.

"Let's quickly get over with the dinner and then I want my dessert."

He whispered huskily, placing a wet kiss on her lips. She bit her lip looking at him in a daze.

As soon as they entered their room after dinner, Vihaan picked her up making her round her legs around his waist and clutched her hair pulling her down in a hot kiss.

Their lips molded together, tongues caressed each other's, and hearts beat in sync. Vihaan dropped her on the bed and just as he put his hands on her kurti to pull it over her head, there was a knock on the door.

Vihaan groaned and dropped his forehead on her shoulder. She giggled and pushed him.

"Go check! Important ho skta hai."

She whispered and he gave her an incredulous look.

"Open the door like this?"

He asked, pointing towards the erection he supported. Biting her lip she pushed him off and corrected her appearance before opening the door.
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