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the lake house.

every single summer since she was born hallie's family and walker's family packed everything up at home and went to the lake house. they stayed there all summer, from may to the end of july.

it was hands down the best three months of her life. she would think about it all year. the lake house was her disneyland.

especially with walker there. hallie and walker have been attached at the hip since diapers. they've never been separated for over a week. even when he was out filming for his last two movies, he was still close enough to see her once a week. he has always found a way.

until now.

a complete different time zone. a complete different county. there is no way for walker to find a way. impossible.

10 months. ten months of no hallie and walker. they will still be able to text and call, but it's not the same.

now they have to find a way to fit 10 months into 78 days.


as soon as the car pulls up in the driveway, the countdown begins. hallie let out a big sigh, opening the door once the car stops. she grabbed her bags and made her way inside. she felt like she could hear the ticking of a clock in the back of her head.

"hallie!" she heard a voice yell. heather ran up to her, wrapping her up in a hug. she hugged back instinctively, greeting her second mother.

"how long have y'all been here?" hallie asked. heather let go of her and leaned against the staircase.

"probably not even an hour." she said, shrugging. "the kids are upstairs still getting settled. i have to go find ruby!" she said excitedly, walking out of the door and to the car to help hallie's mom unpack. hallie made her way upstairs and to her room.

she opened her door to find walker laying on her bed, scrolling through his phone. he sat up immediately when he heard the door open. he flew out of the bed, running to hallie and throwing himself on her.

"hi, hal!" he said happily, hugging her tightly. she hugged him back just as tight, laughing.

"why is everyone so excited to see me? we all ate dinner together last night at home." she said. he let go of her and gave her a knowing look.

"it's vacation, stupid. much different then seeing you at home." he said, going back to laying on her bed. she chuckled and threw her bag down, starting to unpack.

"what's the plan for today?" hallie asked. walker threw hallie's blanket over him and got comfortable.

"today.." he trailed off, thinking about what to say. "um, today,"

"what?" hallie said. "don't we have a plan? it's the first day of summer!" walker looked like he was hiding something. she looked at him, her eyes full of curiosity.

"we don't have a plan today. just finish unpacking." he said, looking down at his phone. hallie sighed and sat down on the bed. she snatched his phone from him and held it behind her.

"what aren't you telling me?" she said. walker shrugged and tried to hide a smile. hallie pushed him and hit his arm. "tell me!" walker laughed and scooted away from her.

"just- finished getting unpacked and settled, okay?" he said. hallie has never unpacked so quick. it barely took five minutes to unpack three months worth of stuff.

"i'm done. what aren't you telling me?" hallie yelled, jumping on the bed next to walker. he stared at his phone, not daring to look at her. "walker!" she yelled. he glared at her and back at his phone. hallie sighed and punched him in the leg.

"ow, hallie!" walker screeched, moving away from her. he had a silly smile on his face.

"tell me what the hell is going on!" she said. walker stood up, brushing his hands on his pants. he held out his hand for her.

"come on, let's go get food." he said. hallie looked at him angrily before standing up, walking past him and out of the door. he sighed and put his hand down, following her like a lost puppy.

hallie stormed down the stairs, taking note of the unusually quiet house.

"where is everyone?" she asked. walker made his way down the stairs. he watched hallie look around.

"they're at the dock." he said, leaning on the railing of the stairs.

"why are they out there?" she asked. she turned around to look at walker.

"you actually forgot what todays plan was?" he asked with wide eyes. "we're celebrating your birthday today, since we won't-" he cut himself off. "be here, on your birthday."

hallie looked at him with wide eyes. "what?" her eyes lit up in realization. "holy shit-" she said and bolted out the door. she ran down the steps towards the crowd of the people she calls family. walker wasn't too far behind her, but not running like she was. she looked at what the crowd was centered around and screamed. walker walked up next to her and then started screaming as well.

two matching jetskis. one was pink, and one was red. apparently walker knew that they got her a jetski, but wasn't expecting for him to get one too.

walker looked at his parents with wide eyes and they smiled back at him. he screamed and jumped around, hugging them tightly.

"we thought since she's getting one for her birthday early, you should get one too, for yours." heather said, hugging him back.

hallie and walker jumped around screaming for at least five minutes before they calmed down.

"oh my god, hal, this is gonna be the best summer yet." walker said, hugging her tightly.

78 days.


hi!! i hope yall enjoyed! this has not been proofread soooooo

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