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"hallie, you're joking."

"does it look stupid?"

leah zipped up the back of hallie's dress and stared at her in the mirror.

"oh, please. the only thing that is gonna look stupid is walker's face when he is lovestruck by how good you look." she said, patting her friend on the shoulder.

they were getting ready for the premiere of the first season of percy jackson. walker and hallie had been together now for approximately half a year.

"maybe i should try on the other dress-"

"no." leah said straightforwardly.

"why not?"

"honey, he is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this dress."

hallie smiled shyly and twirled around. she stared at her dress in the mirror, a wave of confidence flowing through her.

"come on, let's go." leah said, grabbing her purse and slinging it around her shoulder. hallie grabbed her clutch and followed behind her out of the door.

"are we meeting up with the boys?" hallie asked. leah shook her head as they walked to the limo parked for them.

"they just got there. walker texted me and told me."

"he's barely spoken to me all day!!" hallie exclaimed. leah shrugged it off and looked away.

"there's something you're not telling me." hallie mumbled. leah grinned, still facing away from her. "what is going on??"

"what do you mean?" leah asked. hallie gave her a weird look before she looked out of her window, trying to get her mind off of everything.

"are you nervous?" leah asked.

"very much so." hallie replied. leah patted her arm soothingly.

"it's not as bad as you think. it's honestly really fun."

"i bet you won't be saying that in ten years. you'll have been to so many of them, it'd be just as boring as brushing your teeth."

"funny to assume you won't be going to any either. you'd obviously be there with walker."

hallie sat back and thought. she's never really thought about ten years in the future. would she still be with walker? would she still be on the same path she is now?

the ride went quiet after that. both of the girls sat in the comfortable limo, riding the somewhat lengthy route to the venue. when they arrived, they spotted a crowded line towards the front of the building. hallie's eyes went wide and she started fiddling with her clutch.

"you don't need to be nervous, hallie." leah reassured, patting her leg. hallie took a deep breath and thanked her friend. they both got out of the car and started down the navy carpet set for them. hallie had her arm wrapped around her friend's as they smiled and waved down the line. they stopped and took a few photos. she was thankful leah taught her how to pose for these types of photos.

the girls kept walking until right before they approached the steps. they both stopped right before the top step, posing for one more picture.


hallie looked around at all of the people eager to see them. a smile grew on her face as she looked around. all these people were here for her boy. and her boy was staring at her.

walker stood at the bottom of the stairs, staring at hallie with wide eyes. his jaw was down to the floor as aryan patted his back. leah giggled and started walking down the steps, pulling hallie along with her. hallie stopped in front of walker with a bright grin.

"hi," she said sweetly.

"hi, hal." he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. "you look beautiful."

hallie laughed and hugged him tightly. "thank you."

walker let go and held onto her hand. "you look nervous." he whispered. hallie nodded her head dramatically.

"i really am. i've never seen so many cameras before." she replied. walker squeezed her hand as reassurance that she would be okay.

they walked the rest of the carpet together, stopping every so often so walker could do a quick interview. hallie messed with the clasp on her clutch, overwhelmed by all of the noise. walker looked over at her, giving her a look as if to ask if she was okay. she gave him a slight nod, but he didn't take it.

he excused them from the interview, pulling the both of them away and off of the carpet. they stood behind one of the backdrops, hiding from the event.

"what's wrong, hallie?" he asked. he never called hallie by her full name anymore. hallie looked around nervously before swallowing.

"i'm just nervous. i'm okay." she mumbled, looking down. "it's overwhelming, seeing you step into the big world."

"awh, hal." walker pulled her into a hug. he kissed the top of her head. "how about we spend 30 more minutes here, then we go get ice cream. does that sound like a plan?" he asked. hallie looked up at him with loving eyes. she nodded then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"i love you," she said sweetly.

"i love you mostest, hal." he replied. he gently took her hands and brought her back out to the carpet.

"mostest isn't a word, dummy." she laughed, suddenly relaxed from their quick conversation.

it didn't take long until they finally decided to leave, taking the limo by dairy queen to get ice cream.

"what flavor do you want, ha-"

walker looked over and saw hallie slumped over in the seat, sleeping peacefully.

walker ordered her a cookies and cream blizzard then the limo took them home.

walker brought the ice creams inside, setting them inside the freezer. he then went back out to the car and picked up hallie, carrying her bridal-style inside and to her room. he gently kissed her head, whispering her a goodnight. he turned to leave, opening the door of her room to leave.

"walker?" hallie mumbled.

"yes?" he replied.

"stay with me?" she asked. walked chuckled before he shut the door. he climbed in next to hallie, throwing the blanket over the both of them.

"i always will." he whispered, stroking her hair to get her to fall back asleep.

they both slept there together, still fully dressed up in a dress and suit. they didn't care, as long as they were together.


i did not proofread this.

i figured since so much emotional stuff happened in the chapters, that i'd put something sweet that did not have tears involved.

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