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2 posts in a day??? look at me go

maybe a third???


29 days.

"catch me if you can, dipshit!" hallie yelled behind her. walker screamed a line of curse words as he tried to catch up to her. his jetski was much slower than hers. hallie kept ahead of him, turning around a corner to try and get away from him.

she turned way too fast.

she literally flew off of the jetski. she hit the water flat on her back. walker stopped a few feet away from her and watched her float back up. she groaned out of pain and floated on her back.

"my heels touched the back of my head." she mumbled, slowly kicking back to her jetski. walker drove next to it and stopped. he waited until she was back on her jetski. he leaned over and tapped her shoulder. she looked over and realized how close their faces were. they stayed like that for a few seconds. walker looked like he forgot what he was gonna say.

"you're it." he whispered then took off. hallie screamed and started up her jetski. she could hear walker laughing as he got father and farther away. she decided to let him have this win. she took off behind him and just cruised, letting him have fun. she watched him flip her off from a distance. he then pointed up to the sun, which was setting in front of them.

they made their way back to the lake house, parking the jetskis where they belonged. walker took his life jacket off and put it in its designated spot. he looked out at the sunset, facing away from hallie. hallie put her life jacket up and skipped happily over to walker. she stood next to him, looking up at him. he had a sad frown on his face.

"what's up with you?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his arm. he shrugged and kept looking at the sunset.

"walker? what's wrong?" she asked. he sighed and glanced at her.

"i'm not gonna be here in a month." he said sadly. hallie sighed. their 'ultimate' summer was coming to an end. it was gonna be over before they knew it. walker would be gone for close to a year.

"hey, it's okay." she said. walker went and sat on the edge of the dock. hallie sat down next to him, laying her head on his shoulder. she could feel his smile as he laid his head on top of hers.

"it's not okay," he whispered. "i don't wanna leave you." hallie let out a shaky breath and leaned into him. he wrapped his arms around her.

"it's okay, though. it's just ten months, right?" she looked up at him through teary eyes.

"hal, don't cry." he said with a soft smile.

"just don't forget me?" she mumbled, her voice cracking. walker chuckled and hugged her tightly.

"i could never."

they stayed outside talking until it was pitch black. leena had to come get them.

"hey, you two, our parents think y'all got stranded again. i tried to let you stay out here as long as i could, but it's almost midnight."

walker lifted his head up off of hallie's and looked at leena. he nodded and leena walked back in. hallie lifted her head up and looked at walker. he smiled and stood up, holding his hand out for her. she took his hand and they went inside. they walked through the somewhat silent house up to their rooms. they stopped between their doors and looked at each other.

they didn't realize they were still holding hands. walker took a step closer to hallie and looked at her. his eyes flickered all around her face. he smiled and let go of her hand and walked into his room to change. hallie giggled and went into her room. she changed and brushed her hair before she got up and went into walkers room. she heard the slamming of what sounded like a book. she looked up to see him shoving a book into his nightstand.

"you don't write." she said. "do you have like- some super secret diary?" walker laughed nervously.

"something like that." he said, patting the spot next to him. hallie flopped down on his bed and sprawled out.

"i'm so burnt." she complained. he smiled and leaned back.

"i am too, you're not alone." he assured her. "did you put on sunscreen?"


"hallie!" he punched her arm and she squealed.

"hey!" he yelled. "i'm burnt!!"

"you're so bad at remembering to put sunscreen on!!" hallie giggled and rolled over. she shushed him and leaned into his side. he grinned and hugged her, careful to hurt her again because of her sunburn. he knew he would only be able to hug her so many times until he left.

hallie hummed and laid her head on his chest. he held her until she went weak in his arms. he laid her down so she could be comfortable. he got up and grabbed the book out of his nightstand. he sat at his desk and started writing.


hallie and walker woke up the next morning with their phones blowing up. leena had posted a photo of them snuggled up in bed together, fast asleep. they both barged into leena's room, screaming at her to take it down.

neither of them actually wanted her to take it down, but they just wouldn't admit it to each other.

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