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1 day.

they weren't at the lake house anymore. they left two days ago. they were home, and it was walker's last day before he left. who knows what could happen in ten months.

hallie stared out the window as her mom drove her to the scobell's. it didn't take long at all. hallie could've walked but it was raining. it was just as sad outside as it was inside the scobell's house.

when they got there, hallie didn't even bother to knock. she opened the door and walked in. heather gave her a quiet greeting but hallie didn't respond. she took off up the stairs and to walker's room. she froze in front of his door. it was open.

his door was never open.

hallie stood in the doorway, looking at the boy who was sitting on the edge of his bed. he was holding something and staring at it. hallie watched him for a little longer, taking his looks in as if she'd forget what he looked like.

(she could never.)

hallie sighed and walked over to the boy. he looked up once he realized she was there. his eyes were red and wet. hallie wanted to break down right then and there. she looked at what he was holding.

it was a black picture frame. inside of the frame was a picture of hallie and walker from when they were four. hallie was wearing a robin costume that was way too big for her, and walker was wearing a batman costume. they were holding matching buckets to go trick-or-treating with.

hallie sat down next to him, taking the picture out of his hands. she held it, running her thumb over the sweet memory. walker laid his head on her shoulder and sighed.

"i'm not ready to leave." he whispered. hallie smiled sadly and laid her head on top of his.

"i know you aren't, but it's gonna be okay." hallie assured, patting his leg. he sniffled and wrapped his arms around her. she set the picture down and hugged him back, bursting into tears.

they both cried until they couldn't anymore. they were both sniffling messes who wouldn't let go of each other. it was as if they let go of each other, it would be over. he would be gone.

"walker?" hallie whispered. he mumbled back a 'hm?'

"can i stay here tonight?" she asked.

"hal, i would love for you to, but im leaving really early in the morning."

"please, walker." she begged. he chuckled and looked up at her. she gave him puppy dog eyes.

"i hate when you do that," he said.

"can i?"


hallie cheered and hugged him tighter than she already was. they sat in silence for a while before hallie spoke.

"do you remember when we got lost at the lake?"

"that was like a month ago, idiot."

"oh, okay- uhm- do you remember when i beat you and tied out score for the state fair?"

"i was there, hal."

"just shut up. i'm trying to make conversation." she said. walker laughed and snuggled into her side. hallie threw her legs over his and got comfortable. she shut her eyes and before she knew it, she was asleep.

walker stared at her for most of the night. he barely slept.


hallie woke up to the sun shining in her eyes. she groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. she stretched and and looked over to the boy next to her.

he wasn't there.

hallie looked around the room for him. her heart sank. she threw the blanket off of her and got up. she heard a thud of something falling out of the blanket. she walked over to where the sound came from. she picked up the item, which was a black notebook. she opened it, the very first page had her name on it with a heart next to it. she flipped the page then almost started crying again.


hallie mae,

yesterday i found out i got the role for percy jackson. you were the first person i told. it was only an hour ago that i found out i will be gone for ten months. i don't know how to tell you. you're gonna be pissed. we haven't been away from each other for longer than a week. i thought writing it down would help me figure it out, but it's not helping at all. i might just tell them i can't do it. i can't be away from you for that long. thinking about it already makes me want to cry.


hallie flipped the page.


march 9, 2021

i've decided to turn this into something for you. for you to have when i'm not here. you're already so upset about me leaving. you cried when i told you. we're gonna figure it out. i don't know what we'll do but we'll figure it out. we always do.


march 21, 2021

you're such an ass. i can't believe you ran from my dad and left me in the dust. i got chewed out while you were hiding behind the bushes laughing at me. i could've ratted you out right there but i decided to be a good friend. you were the one who crashed tanner's scooter out in the road, but i still SOMEHOW got in trouble for it. that's okay though, i'll stick up for you.

i saw something different in you today, hal. i don't know what it was. you looked brighter. you looked different. i don't think it really had anything to do with you, but i think it had everything to do with me.

i think im starting to love you, hallie.


hallie slammed the book shut. she ran downstairs. heather was in the living room tidying up.

"where's walker?" hallie asked. heather gave her a sad smile and she knew.

"he didn't even say goodbye?" her eyes filled with tears. heather frowned and walked over to her.

"he said he knew you would cry. he didn't want to see you cry again." heather said, pulling her into a hug. hallie cried into her arms.

why would he leave without saying bye?


1031 words

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