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miss you. see you soon. ✔︎

walker hovered over the send button. he thought about it before he deleted the message and shut off his phone. he looked up and around the noisy airport he was sitting in. he looked over to his siblings who were chatting.

"i'm stealing the jetski this year." leena whispered to tanner. the youngest shook his head and elbowed his sister.

"as if he'd let you." tanner whispered back. walker smiled as he looked back down, picking at his fingernails.

he was nervous to go back home. he was nervous to see hallie. a lot has changed over the last ten months. he's afraid hallie won't see him the same way again. he's afraid it won't be the same. he knows it won't be the same.

the all-call to board the plane sounded throughout the airport. the scobell family got up and heading over to their boarding area. it didn't take long before they were seated on the plane.

leena sat next to walker and stared at him.

"what?" he asked.

"why are you being like this?" she whispered. walker sighed and looked out of his window.

"i'm not being like anything." he mumbled. leena flicked him.

"don't play. we all notice it." she said, glancing at her family. "what is going on?"

walker bit the inside of his cheek. he reached into his pocket and took out his phone. he found his messages between hallie and clicked on them. he showed her the most recent text.

why does it matter if i have a guy over? he's my friend.
read may 9.

leena's mouth formed an 'o'.

"you two are still talking about this? it happened like- four months ago." she said. walker shrugged.

"it's all we can talk about. she never gave me an explanation."

"does she owe you one?"

walker looked away again. he shut off his phone and stared out the window.


"i just thought- i thought we meant something! i thought that we were.." he looked down at his lap. "i thought i was it."

leena sighed. she laid her head on his shoulder as the plane took off.

"you two will sort it out. you always do."


the scobell family stood in front of the door to their home, eager to get inside. the door was unlocked by heather and then everyone piled inside. they explored as if they have never been here before.

walker immediately went up to his room. he slung his curtains open and looked out the window. he peered into the house that belonged to his best friend. he looked into hallie's room, for some reason he was expecting her to be staring right back.

she wasn't.

she wasn't home.

they already left.

walker sighed and closed the curtains. he threw all of his bags down and flopped onto his bed. his mom walked into his room and knocked on the door.

"we're leaving tomorrow at 10. make sure you're packed." she said. walked hummed in acknowledgement and rolled over. his mom left the room and he was alone again.

he looked over at his nightstand. he stared at the picture frame which had a picture of all of the kids at the lakehouse three years ago. it was one of his fondest memories.


"stand in a line!" heather yelled. she held her camera while she ushered the four kids to stand nicely.

"don't push me!" walker yelled, elbowing tanner. he groaned and punched his brother in the arm.


"sorry." walker mumbled, standing next to hallie. she leaned into his arm, yawning tiredly.

"can we leave now?" she asked. heather shook her head.

"not until we get this picture. smile!!!!"


walker never really cared about the picture. he was too worried about admiring the girl who was on his arm.

hallie is all that he thinks about. everything reminds him of her.

he looked away from the picture and down at his phone. he scrolled on his phone until he decided to pack.


tomorrow came before they knew it. they were in the car, on the way to the house. walker stared out the window the whole time, listening to music through his airpods. it took a while before they arrived.

walker stood in front of the door of the lake house. everyone else had just went inside. he took a deep breath before he followed behind them.

he felt like he could cry.


okay so

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙇𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙃𝙊𝙐𝙎𝙀 || 𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙀𝙍 𝙎𝘾𝙊𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇Where stories live. Discover now