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"they're here!"

hallie took a breath. her mom's words make her heart drop. she shut her notebook- their notebook and walked out of her room.

when she reread the book for the millionth time, she thought. and thought. and thought.

does he still mean any of this?

does he still care?

why hasn't he texted yet?

hallie shut her door behind her and slowly walked down the steps. she heard the house fill with life. she saw leena run then meet her halfway up the steps in a hug. hallie laughed and reciprocated the hug.

"he's different." leena whispered. "you need to talk to him."

hallie let go of the hug and stared at leena. she felt like tears were in her eyes. she sighed and nodded, walking down the rest of the steps with the other girl. she glanced around the family, keeping a soft smile on her face.

that's when she made eye contact with walker.

he's changed so much. his hair was much more curly. he was taller now— way taller— and he was staring right back at her. he looked her up and down then walked away. hallie frowned in defeat and looked away. she said hi to everyone before she went back upstairs.

she sat at her vanity, staring at herself in the mirror. she held a tissue up to her eyes to catch the tears that fall. she wouldn't dare threat messing up her makeup. she heard the door open and she turned away.

"it's fine. it's just me." leena said calmly, shutting the door behind her. she walked over and hugged hallie around her neck.

"why is he being like this?" hallie asked. leena sat on the floor next to her vanity.

"he's still upset about that boy. i don't know his name— he definitely does. i know how long it's been since y'all have talked. i guess he thinks you've moved on."

hallie looked down at the tissue in her hands. she didn't say anything.

"have you?"

hallie glared at leena, almost offended. she shook her head.

"of course not." she said confidently. leena looked at her with sad eyes.

"i think about him every day. every day i read-" hallie reached over and grabbed her favorite notebook. "he wrote in this before he left. this is the reason i didn't move on. this is the reason i wont ever move on."

leena gently took the book out of her hand. she flipped through the pages with a bright smile on her face.

"wow." she mumbled, shutting the book. "he really loves you."

hallie smiled sheepishly and took the book from her, setting it down on her vanity. leena got up and hugged her one last time.

"i think he needs a reminder that you're still here. he's really missed you." leena squeezed her before she left the room.


walker sat in the living room, scrolling through his phone. tanner and pete were also seated around, watching the tv. heather and hallie's mom were in the kitchen cooking lunch.

"you're gonna spill the flour!!" heather yelled. hallie's mom laughed, the sound of happiness echoing throughout the house. it caused everyone in the room to smile.

"i'm glad we're back." tanner said. pete nodded in agreement and patted his son's back. tanner hummed, getting up and strolling to the kitchen to get food.

"don't get any snacks, tan. we're gonna be eating lunch soon!"

tanner groaned and went right back to his spot on the couch. walker and pete laughed at him.


hours passed and the sun was starting to go down. everyone was sat around the dinner table, passing around bowls and plates.

"so, walker, did you have fun filming?" hallie's mom asked. walker nodded with a half-smile on his face.

"i did." he said quietly. all of the parents glanced at each other, but decided to brush it off. hallie kept looking at walker, but he only stared down at his plate.

most of the dinner was ate in silence, minus the small talk. as soon as everyone finished, they cleaned up then walker disappeared to his room.

after a while hallie went upstairs, stopping in front of his door. she held her hand up to knock, but something in her wouldn't move her hand. she sighed and walked into her room.

not even ten minutes later she heard frantic steps down the stairs. she sat up in her bed, startled from the stomps. her phone then rang with a notification.

hey um ur jetski is floating away.

hallie basically threw her phone, and the frantic steps down the stairs sounded throughout the house once again.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙇𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙃𝙊𝙐𝙎𝙀 || 𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙀𝙍 𝙎𝘾𝙊𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇Where stories live. Discover now