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hallie sat on her bed, staring at her phone. she waited for some sort of text from walker. he's returning in a week and hasn't said anything for a month. they have drifted since walker's always so busy. hallie's mom walked into her room and stood in the doorway.

"we're gonna head out on tuesday. they'll be there wednesday afternoon." she said. "nothing yet?"

hallie shook her head and looked down at her phone.

"did he forget me?" she asked. her mom laughed.

"he could never."

hallie smiled and set her phone down. she looked up at her mom.

"how about we go out and hang out, just to get your mind off of everything." her mom suggested. hallie smiled and got up. it didn't take long for her to get ready then they hit the road.


"look at that!" hallie said excitedly. she ran up to the store and looked in the window. her mom followed behind her.

"that's cute, but really short." she said.

"it's athletic wear, mom." hallie said.

"it should be half priced from how much fabric is on it."

hallie gave her mom a look, but couldn't hold it for long before they both laughed. they continued walking around the store.

"what if we get some swimsuits?" hallie asked when they walked over to them. her mom agreed and they looked. hallie held up a pink swimsuit and showed her mom.

"it's cute!" they both said. hallie decided to buy it and after an hour, they checked out. they walked out with their bags in hand.


tuesday came quicker than expected. for some reason hallie was dreading going to the lake house. she sat in the floor with her bags in front of her, finishing up her packing. her mom came and knocked on her door.

"are you ready?" she asked. hallie hesitated before nodding. her mom sighed and sat down on the floor next to her.

"it's gonna be fine, honey." her mom hugged her from the side. "you're worrying too much."

hallie shook off her feelings before zipping up her bags. she stood up, brushing off her legs before she set her bags up to be taken outside.

"i'm ready." she said half-confidently. she rolled her bags out of her room and to the car, loading them up in an organized manner. thirty minutes later they were in the car headed to the lake house.


there was something unsettling about the mood in the house. it was like all the life has been sucked out of it during the eleven months they were gone.

hallie set her bags down and glanced around. she knew the feeling she had.

was it heartbreak?


just a short little filler before the big stuff happens 😋😋😋

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