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50 days.

"get up, hallie." walker whisper-yelled. hallie groaned and pulled the blanket closer to her. walker snatching it right back and poked her.

"what?" she mumbled. he chuckled and laid on his back.

"aren't we going out on the jetskis today?" he asked. hallie made an approving sound and rolled over. she laid her head on his arm and shut her eyes.

"then you gotta get up, silly." he said, bouncing his arm so she couldn't get comfortable. she groaned and rolled away from him. she stretched then sat up. walker got up out of bed, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him. hallie got up and started getting ready.

"are you ready, hal?" walker asked twenty minutes later. hallie got up from her vanity and walked over to the door, opening it. walker looked her up and down before shrugging and turning to go downstairs. hallie laughed and followed behind him.

"where are you two going?" hallie's mom asked from the kitchen. the two kids entered and leaned up against the counter.

"we were gonna go ride the jetskis. walker's is out of gas, so we're just taking mine. maybe later we'll stop and get some gas." hallie said, turning around and darting out the door. walker helped and chased her, yelling a goodbye to her mom.

hallie hopped down the steps to the dock; walker wasn't far behind her. hallie looked for her life jacket under the seat.

"hey, have you seen my life jacket?" she asked.

"have you checked the boat?" walker asked. hallie climbed up on the boat and looked around. she checked under one of the seats.

"oh- i found it. yours is in here too!" she yelled, throwing his down to him. he thanked her and put it on. hallie climbed off of the boat and walked over to the jetski.

"it's half full." she said. walked hummed and looked around.

"we can go get gas once it gets closer to being empty." he suggested. hallie nodded and got on. walker climbed in behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"don't kill us, 'kay hallie?" he said. she laughed and turned it on, speeding off into the water. they spent a few hours out there, taking in the perfect summer day.

"hey, i think it's time to go get gas." walker said, tapping the screen where it showed they were very close to empty.

"shit- uh- yeah," she looked around. "where are we?" she looked for something familiar. "walker?"

"i don't know where we are, hallie." he said, standing up behind her. he kept the jetski balanced so they wouldn't flip. he looked around him before he sat down again.

"okay, uhm." he thought for a minute. "let me drive, okay?" he suggested. him and hallie made a quick switch, now walker was in the front. hallie wrapped her arms around him. walker was definitely trying not to freak out, he didn't know if it was because they're lost, or her arms are around him.

walker drove to the closest island. the whole time, hallie was looking for anywhere that looked familiar. walker stopped at the small island and let hallie hop off. he then pulled the jetski into the sand so it wouldn't float away.

"walker- we're lost. the sun's gonna set, and then we're screwed." hallie freaked out. walker hushed her and pulled his phone out from under the seat. he tried calling his dad. it immediately went to voicemail.

"shit- we don't have service." he mumbled, shoving it back in the seat. hallie continued to freak out.

"hallie, shut up!" he yelled. hallie froze, looking at him with wide eyes. walker glared at her then threw his life jacket down in the sand, taking off across the island. hallie threw hers down as well, following behind him. walker stopped when they made it across the island.

"there-" he pointed. hallie looked over. "that's where that boat almost crashed last year." he mumbled. "that means,"

"if you go behind it, the dock should be right there." hallie finished. she sighed of relief and hugged walker. he smiled and hugged her back.

"let's go," he said happily, pulling her back to the jetski. she followed behind, relieved they would be okay. they load up on the jetski and take off to the dock.

not even a hundred feet away, they run out of gas.

"damn it!!" walker yelled, angrily hitting the handle of the jetski.

"walker, it's okay." hallie said calmly, laying a reassuring hand on his shoulder. he shrugged it off and glared at her.

"why the fuck are you so irritated?" hallie asked. walker rolled his eyes.

"well maybe because we ran out of gas in the middle of the damn lake!" he yelled.

"we're not even a hundred feet from the dock, dumbass!" hallie yelled in defense. "just because you're pissed doesn't mean you need to yell at me about it!"

"stop being so fucking dramatic, hallie!" he yelled.

"me?! i'm the dramatic one?" she yelled. "i'll show you dramatic." she punched him in his arm and jumped off the jetski. she flipped him off as she swam to the shore, leaving him stranded with the jetski.

hallie walked home, not even thinking about going back for walker. she entered the house, slamming the door behind her.

"what's up with you?" walker's mom asked.

"ask your son, whenever he decides to get home." she said, running up the stairs. walker's mom didn't respond. she went to call him, which didn't work due to lack of service.

walker didn't return for two hours. it was dark outside, and he had to get gas somehow and make it back to the house.

he ran past everyone whenever he entered. he ran up the stairs and barged into hallie's room. she was sitting at her vanity, blow drying her hair.

"hallie," walker started. hallie turned her hair dryer up to the loudest setting so she couldn't hear him.

"hallie!" walker yelled. hallie sighed and turned it off, turning to him.

"what?" she asked. walker shuffled awkwardly, as if he were looking for the right way to apologize.

"get out of my room," she muttered, turning back around.


"i said get out!" she yelled.

"i filled up your tank for you." he said quietly. hallie went quiet for a minute as she thought. she turned around slowly and looked at him.

"buy me fro-yo tomorrow and you're forgiven."

"yes ma'am." he saluted and laid on her bed.

they were gonna be alright.

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