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71 days.

the first week of being at the lake house was always boring. it was just beginning to get hot outside, so the water was still cold. their time during the first week was usually spent in the town, shopping or eating out.

the second week though, was always their favorite week. as soon as the water was warm enough on tuesday, hallie and walker were in the water. this time though, they were above the water. their jetskis flew through the water like it was nothing.

"walker, look!" hallie screamed to the boy behind her. she attempted a donut, which was just a sharp right before she flew off of the side. she floated up to the water immediately, and her ears were full of the sound of walkers laughter.

"oh- oh-" he took a deep breath in before he wheezed again. "oh my god!" he yelled, leaning forward and clutching his stomach. hallie climbed back up onto her jetski, rolling her eyes.

"shut up!" she yelled, speeding off in the opposite direction of him.

"hey-" he giggled. "don't leave me behind!" he yelled, starting off after her. they spent the whole day on the water. they were moving non stop, taking in the first real day of summer. they wanted it to be the best summer ever.

hallie and walker returned right before the sun started setting. they came back to drop off walker's jetski, which was almost out of gas. as quick as they arrived back to the lake house, they were gone again. walker was now on the back of her jetski. hallie drove to the middle of the gigantic lake, turning it off once she got there. she looked up at the beautiful view they stopped at.

"this might be the best sunset yet, walker." she said, leaning back into walker. he laid his chin on her shoulder, looking at the sky.

"i dunno, do you remember the one from last year? i think that one's still winning." he said. hallie took her phone out of her safety bag, going to her instagram posts.



may 28, 2021halliesinsta gorgeous 😍

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may 28, 2021
halliesinsta gorgeous 😍



hallie showed walker her phone. he huffed and rolled his eyes.

"fine, you're right. this one is better." he admitted, snatching her phone and putting it back in the bag. hallie laughed and looked back towards the sky.

"i'm excited for this summer." hallie said, pointing at a cloud that was shaped funny.

"i am too, hal." he said. "we need to make a bucket list." hallie gasped loudly and turned around to face him.

"you're so right!" she said, clapping excitedly. "okay, so, we definitely need to add-"

walker and hallie spent the next four hours floating in the middle of the lake, planning their bucket list.

they came back to the lake house closer to midnight, realizing their mistake. their parents were all sitting in the living room, waiting for them to walk in.

"uh oh." walker said when he walked inside. he knew they were dead mean. hallie was confused until she walked in, seeing the group waiting.

after a long scolding and a new curfew, they finally got to go upstairs. hallie closed the door behind them once they got into walker's room.

"they're so annoying." she said, rolling her eyes. "like- we weren't even out that long."

"oh shut up." he said, sitting down on his bed. he was a little irritated, she could tell.

"what?" she asked, sitting down on the floor. she really felt the karma of being in the sun without sunscreen— her body ached.

"keep talking and your lips might burn off." he said, smiling. he was smart enough to put on sunscreen before they left. he didn't reapply though, so he had a little burn. not nearly as bad as hallie's.

hallie laid back on the floor. she shut her eyes, humming quietly. it didn't take a minute before she was asleep.

"yknow, hal-" he cut himself off when he looked at her. she was out like a light. he laughed quietly, getting up off of his bed. he picked her up and carried her to her room. he laid her down before shutting off the light, closing the door behind him. he went back to his room and went to bed.


hallie woke up the next morning a sweaty mess.   she didn't move for a solid half hour, and when she did she practically ran to the shower.

"hallie, hurry up!" leena yelled an hour later. hallie was still in the shower. she was standing under freezing cold water, letting it soothe her burnt skin.

"five more minutes!" hallie yelled back. she finished up her shower, going back to her room. she changed into a tank top and shorts, the lightest things she could find. she went downstairs to get breakfast. she found tanner sitting at the island eating, and she gave him a good morning with a pat on the back.

hallie dug through the fridge like an animal. she took out a yogurt cup, shutting the fridge with her hip. tanner stared at her with wide eyes.

"what?" she asked.

"you're crazy," he said, shoving more food in his mouth. hallie rolled her eyes and walked into the living room. she noticed walker sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"morning," hallie said, sitting next to him. he glanced at her then back up to the tv.

"good morning." he said, kicking his feet up across her lap. hallie opened her yogurt and used walker's leg as a table. they sat in silence for a while.

"what's the plan for today?" hallie asked in between eating her food. walker hummed in thought.

"you need to stay inside, hal. you're burnt to a crisp." he said. hallie groaned in defense.

"i don't want to stay in, dude! it's summer- we have to be outside!" hallie half-yelled. walker shushed her and slumped into the couch more.

"just chill. we can chill today." he said, turning up the tv so she would be quiet.

she did not stay quiet.


i did not proofread this

1017 words

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