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if you're here on your own free will and not bc of my imagines,, u should go read them 🤭🤭


64 days.

most of hallie's burn has worn off by now. now she was just a peeling mess. she wouldn't stop shedding like a snake.

hallie's family and walker's family were all out on the pontoon. the day was perfect. everyone was getting along. hallie's body ached from how much she went tubing with all of the siblings. her body was red from how many times she hit the water.

the boat was out from 9am to 6pm, with one gas stop. other than that, they saw nothing but water all day. they did make a stop on a small island in the middle of the lake. a few pigs somehow lived on there, and they loved people.

"hallie, it's chasing me!" tanner yelled, climbing on top of a rock. leena chased after the pig, picking it up after she caught up to it.

"you're such a big baby!" hallie screamed. she walked off to explore the rest of the island. she walked down a pathway surrounded by trees. she saw a pig up ahead, waddling towards her happily. she picked it up and pet it, carrying it along the pathway with her.

"hallie!" a voice yelled. she turned around, seeing walker speed-walking down the path.

"did you not see the 'do not enter' sign?!" he said, taking the pig out of her hands and setting it down. it stood in between them, sniffing at walker's leg.

"where?" she asked. walked sighed and pointed back towards the entrance.

"come on, hal. let's go." he said, pulling her with him. she pouted and walked alongside him, looking back at the pig who she was leaving behind.

"but walker, look at how sad it looks." hallie said, stopping him from walking any further. he turned back and looked at it, then back at her.

"we can't keep it, you know that." well no shit.

hallie sighed and kept walking. walker gave her a pat on the shoulder, assuring her that she won't be sad forever.

"okay, but what if we just-" she started to turn around back to the pig.

"walk." he said firmly, pushing her in front of him. she let out a soft laugh and walked. they walked back to the boat. leena and tanner were in the water, digging up cool rocks from the wet sand.

"can we get a pig?" hallie asked her parents. they glanced at each other then back at hallie.

"no." they said simultaneously. hallie frowned and sat down under the hood of the pontoon. walker followed her movements, grabbing a water out of the cooler.

"you're so dramatic." he said, sipping at his water. hallie snatched it out of his hands and drank some of it. she flipped him off as he sat there with his mouth wide open.

"why would you do that?!" he yelled, snatching it back. she laughed and took it back. they started fighting, slapping each other on the arms.

"chill, kids." walker's dad said. he made leena and tanner load up, and they took off to whatever place they found next; they didn't really have a plan.

hallie got up and sat on the seat at the back of the boat. nobody was sitting there, so she could lay down and relax. she felt eyes looking at her, but she didn't look to see who it was. she already had a feeling of who it was.

after a while of laying there, she fell asleep. from the warm weather and the sound of the waves, it was the perfect place to fall asleep. everything except the sun. the longer she was asleep there, the more sunburnt she got.

"is she asleep?" hallie's mom asked. walker nodded, looking back at her. her mom smiled and watched walker stare at hallie with heart eyes.

an hour passed and hallie woke up. her body felt warm. she sat up and yawned. they were parked at a dock, probably getting gas or food. hallie looked at the almost empty boat. tanner was asleep in one of the seats, and walker was scrolling on his phone in another. everyone else was inside the shop. walker heard hallie shuffle and he looked over.

"hey, hal." he said, smiling softly. he looked back down on his phone, going back to whatever he was doing. hallie groaned and got up, stretching her arms. she shuffled over to where walker was sitting and she flopped down next to him.

"your mom put sunscreen on your back so you wouldn't burn." he brought up, tapping at her slightly pink back. "you still got a little burnt." hallie hummed and laid her head back on her seat. walker turned off his phone and looked at her. he chuckled and looked around him, mainly at the water ahead of them.

"what are we doing tomorrow?" he asked.

"i think we're going to the museum." she mumbled. "i don't want to go."

walker hummed in thought.

"then don't go. say you're sick or something." he suggested, looking back at her. a sly smile appeared on her face.

"this is why you're my favorite."

"i know."

once everyone got back to the boat, they went back to the house. the sun was just starting to go down and it was close to dinner time, so they decided to turn in for the day. hallie basically ran inside the house and went to change.

"someone's glad to be home." heather said, laughing quietly. ruby rolled her eyes playfully at her daughter's silly actions.

hallie decided to take a shower before anything. she took a quick one, changing into her pajamas. she didn't feel like putting a whole different outfit on. she left the bathroom and went to do her hair in her room. once she was done, she made her way downstairs. she peeked out the window and it was dark. she walked out to the dock, sitting on one of the couches. she took in the warm air, sinking into the cushions.

she could stay here forever.


1024 words

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