Chapter 12

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Out of respect for Dogday and his house rules everyone had gotten up with little complaints, and headed towards the kitchen, Alya and Angel soon joined them. Angel sat between Picky Piggy and Bubba Bubbaphant, while Alya sat near Catnap on the end. Dogday made sure to make Picky Piggy and Kickin Chicken waffles and pancakes, while the rest had bacon and eggs. Everyone was happily eating, and sharing ideas of what they're going to be doing today. While everyone was eating Dogday was helping Alya with flash cards on math and alliterations. "Good job!" "Amazing work!" "That's correct!" Dogday praised Alya everyone she would get them right, and if she didn't Dogday encouraged her to keep trying. "Try again, you got this" "don't give up, you're close" "it's okay, we can come back to that one". Everyone was impressed with Dogday's patience when it came to kid's and their learning. He always encouraged those around him, and would make sure they were prepared. Everyone admired Dogday for it, as he was their leader and they trusted him with their lives.

Dogday kept up with the flash cards for Alya, and Angel watched with a smile. Angel always admired Dogday for his ability to encourage others, and always be willing to go the extra mile for others. They idolized Dogday, and wanted to be like him one day... an angel sent from above.

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