Chapter 31

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Catnap was with Alya and Angel making cookies for Dogday. Dogday was feeling somewhat better, but he was a bit weak and tired from throwing up so much. He drank a lot of water but also been brushing his teeth a lot more due to the taste. "Just because I'm a dog doesn't mean I want to eat it" is what he said to himself a lot during times. He didn't want to gross out Catnap or the kids with his dog instincts. He sighed, but soon is nose twitches, something good was cooking, but he wasn't 100% sure what it was. It smelled so good though, Catnap wouldn't like him awake right now, he would probably put Dogday to sleep with his Poppy gas if he knew he was awake.

After the cookies came out of the oven, and the kids had a few themselves, the rest were put on a plate ready for Dogday whenever he would wake up. Last time Catnap checked had been an hour ago, but he didn't want to be a mother hen so much so he let his friend sleep, he would check in a few more minutes. Dogday curled up in his dog bed, and yawned trying to get back to sleep, but he couldn't since the heavenly aroma would tantalize his nose too much. He rolled onto his back paws in the air, he stretched and tried to pull himself up to a sitting position.

Catnap had just placed the cookies on the plate as he heard a thud come from upstairs. He quickly ran over to Dogday's room and saw Dogday on the floor next to the vase with the sunflowers on the ground. He had tears in his eyes, but when he saw Catnap he started to apologize. "I didn't mean to put them down, I'm so sorry! I was trying to get up because the scent from downstairs was making it hard for me to sle-" he couldn't finish the rest of his apology because Catnap put his paw over Dogday's mouth. "It's okay doggy, I promise we can get another vase, for now I'll clean it up, get back onto your bed, and I'll bring the cookies that Alya and Angel baked" he smiled toward the dog mascot and helped him back into bed before getting a broom and dust pan to clean the glass. Dogday still felt bad, but since Catnap said it was okay then he wouldn't worry. "Extra vases are under the sink" he told Catnap who in turn smiled towards him nodding. Catnap left to get the vase, and cookies, but not before he threw the glass away and told Alya and Angel to be careful about pushing the trash down otherwise they could get hurt.

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