Chapter 121

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The critters all looked towards Dogday's house, they were a bit surprised when they saw Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty come out. They both were frowning, and looked ready to cry at any time. They all watched as the two started to walk away from Dogday's house, and crawl through the vent. "Where are they going?" asked Craftycorn as she hugged Bobby a bit. "I'm not sure.. but I think I may have a clue" Miss Delight said as the bell rang.

Huggy Wuggy and Boxy Boo were both sitting on a conveyor belt. "They won't miss me for one day" said Huggy but Boxy looked at his friend laughing "Huggy you are the main character for the factory, everyone would notice you're gone" Boxy pointed out laughing so hard he almost fell off the conveyor, but Huggy put his arm behind his friend's back. "Yeah yeah whatever, they can go one day without seeing Huggy" as Huggy said that Boxy Boo's laughs subsided a bit more. "Still though, they WILL notice and come looking for you, it's only a matter of time" informed Boxy Boo as he watched his friend flop backwards over the conveyor belt and flipping to the ground with grace. Boxy Boo just used his spring legs to jump down next to his friend as they both saw Alya and Cameron come into the room in a hurry. "Hey you two, what are you doing here?" asked Boxy Boo tilting his head as the two were looking around. "Have you two seen Kissy anywhere?" asked Cameron "sorry Cam-" "it's Sharp Charm now" Huggy Wuggy and Boxy Boo both stare at the kids expecting it to be a joke, but as the silence continues they realize Cameron isn't joking. "Alright.. well sorry but we have seen anyone Sharp Charm" said Huggy looking between the two small mascot animals, one porcupine and the other a siamese cat. They both looked at their pendants and porcupine's pendant was a tree, while the cat's was a little, what looked to be a honeycomb. "What are your guys' scents?" asked Huggy a bit curious. "I got the scent of pine, and she got honey" Sharp Charm said "never knew honey had a scent" said Boxy Boo making Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm laugh.

"But why do you two want to find Kissy?" asks Huggy as he starts to walk towards the exit of the room, with Boxy and both smaller mascots on his trail. "It's Dogday... he trusts Kissy with his problems.. he says he's known her for a while?" questions Bitty Kitty. "Well, that is true.. Kissy was close friends with Dogday before they both were turned" said Huggy Wuggy. "Wait, they were friends?" asked Sharp Charm making Huggy and Boxy nod their heads yes. "Woah.. another secret we didn't know" Bitty Kitty said with a sigh. "What's wrong?" asked Boxy Boo, Bitty Kitty looked at him before speaking "he's been keeping us in the dark about his past.. and we want to know so we can help him" Bitty Kitty's ears were pinned to her head as she looked at the ground frowning.

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