Chapter 186

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The CEO was in his office pacing around with the image of Jax on the security camera. The teeth and eyes were the image that stuck with him most. 'I can't let the toys know about this, they'll probably hate me even more for destroying that one Dogday plushie, but two Dogday plushies... they'll definitely send in every toy to attack me for that' he kept thinking about what he could do to protect himself. 'My security guards are too weak to handle that plushie it seems, they all had the scientists and the security guard down there killed... by one plushie alone' his thoughts swam through each of the plushies who could potentially protect him from the demonic Dogday plushie.

As the CEO thought he walked out of his office he passed by the cells. As he looked inside the cells, he noticed how upset Frowny and Killy were. He rolls his eyes at them both, but quickly realized THEY can save him. He smirks before he starts to try and make himself look like a victim in a battle. He mastered a trick where he could cry on command and even make himself look like a hurt victim. As he walks towards the cells he makes sure to have a few stray tears running down his face for extra sympathy from the toys.

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