Chapter 1 - Dreams

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Long, curly, dark-brown hair and thick lashes; that is what one would notice about Blair Baggins first. Unless you could not see her and in that case, you would take notice of her loud laugh and delicate way of speaking. Most everyone in The Shire already knew her, though. Her family had lived there for generations, a thing her relatives took pride in. Blair found it rather boring, but she remained content, finding random ways to change the scenery around her. She was an expert gardener and liked to call herself the best baker in all The Shire, however, there were a few stubborn hobbits who would argue this point. Blair spent her days in flower beds, kitchens, or wherever something unexpected was occurring (which almost never happened).
It was a perfect spring afternoon for Blair before her brother came bounding down the stone path that lead right to her hobbit hole. She had just pulled out the final weed in her bed of tulips, when a shout from afar caused her to whip her head around. Bilbo was trotting over with unusual speed, causing her to stand up and wipe the dirt off her red dress and unroll the sleeves of her white under blouse. Before she could open her mouth to ask what was wrong, Bilbo shouted, "Wizard!", gasping for breath from his sprint. Blair laughed at his tiredness, (She lived right down the road from him, the distance being a short four minute walk).

"I'm sorry, what?" she laughed, beckoning him to come inside.

"I was sitting outside, blowing smoke rings as I usually do, when suddenly, I see a tall, looming shadow over me. I look up and say, 'good morning', to, ya know, be polite and he goes on this long rant about what I meant by that!" Bilbo explained, animatedly. Blair handed him a glass of water and sat down on her green cushioned ledge right by her window overlooking her flower beds. "Anyway he started rambling on about how I'd be perfect for this adventure and -"

"Adventure?" Blair said, whipping her head towards him. She immediately stood up.

"Where is this wizard now?" Bilbo scoffed and pushed her back down.

"Hopefully long gone!" He replied, but then a worried expression came on his face. "Well, er, I might've invited him to tea tomorrow afternoon." While saying this, he twitched his nose and rubbed his forehead, deep in regret. Blair put two hands on his shoulders and practically jumped with excitement.

"Oh, please let me come! I have so many questions I'd want to ask him! Imagine all the adventures he's been on....finally some fun at last" Blair shouted, excitedly, Bilbo had a grim expression on, not understanding her excitement.

"Well, I guess you can come, but don't get your hopes up when he doesn't arrive," he patted Blair's shoulder and turned to walk out the painted yellow door, feeling a bit less worried than when he came. "Oh and I forgot to mention, this wizard we speak of is none other than Gandalf the Grey; the firework maker."

Blair scrunched her nose trying to remember if she had ever seen or heard of Gandalf. The name certainly sounded familiar. "I'll be off now, Blair. So I'll expect you tomorrow by...?"

"4 'o' clock sharp!" She smiled, running to her study before she could see Bilbo's smile.
In the study, she immediately started pouring over old books to look for any mention of wizards, a way to contain her excitement. All afternoon and evening, she read and wrote down questions to ask Gandalf. When her eyelids grew too heavy to bear and her fingers were sore from all the page turning, she went to sleep on her lovely feather pillow and warm cotton blankets. Little did Blair know, this would be her last cozy sleep for a good long while.

Reverie - 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 𝔁 𝓞𝓒Where stories live. Discover now