Chapter 3 - Him

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Bilbo was running around frantically, shouting random orders, mainly telling the dwarves to put things back in his pantry. They paid him no mind and continued to place various foods on his dining table. Blair stood in the middle of it all, unsure of what to do.

"Ah! Blair Baggins!" A gruff voice spoke from above. Blair turned around and looked up, spotting the gray bearded wizard looking down at her and smiling.

"Hi," she smiled, unsure of what else to say, for she was a few years younger than Bilbo and did not remember much of Gandalf's fireworks or shire-doings. Gandalf, however, remembered her.

"I remember a time where you barely reached below my knees," he chuckled, a deep, homely laugh. Blair immediately felt comforted for some reason.

"I apologize, but I have no memory of you, unfortunately!" she said, looking down. "I don't mean to be blunt, but I have so much to ask of you! Bilbo had mentioned you were passing by the Shire the other day and I couldn't even tell you how envious I was of him! But now you're here in his own home at that!" she blabbed, too excited to care about manners. He just laughed some more. Before she could say anything else, a dwarf with an intricate hairstyle came up to the both of them.

"Could I offer either of you a cup of chamomile?" he said, teapot and steaming cup in hand.

"Oh, no, a little glass of red wine for me, I think," Gandalf replied, starting to move towards the dining area.

"I would love some," Blair said, taking the cup from his hands. He smiled at her, his face turning a faint shade of red. "Thank you!"

"Of course, miss!" he replied, walking off to get the glass of wine for Gandalf. Blair couldn't help but take an immediate liking to these dwarves and their interesting ways. Maybe it was because she longed for something out of the ordinary and put anything unique on a pedestal. Her life seemed so boring and dull in her mind. Through this little unexpected party, she was thriving! She started helping the dwarves set things on the table and arranging things in her own special way, or rather the way her mother taught her to. Bilbo watched her from across the room and even he couldn't help but do a small smile. His sister smiled all the time, but the grin on her face was truly genuine tonight, and he cherished this.

His small moment of peace was quickly vanquished when he spotted his empty pantry. He let out a long sigh.

The dwarves had all sat down around the long table, which was bursting with the goods of Bilbo's pantry. Blair had found a seat next to the dwarf named Balin, who smiled at her as she pulled up a chair.

"Who wants an ale?" Fili called as he walked across all the food on the table. Various dwarves shouted random expletives and cheered.

"So, you're Mr. Bagginses sister, then?" Balin leaned in and asked. Blair nodded. "I don't see any similarities in appearance or personality," he said, taking a drink of his ale. Blair laughed, as she was used to hearing this.

"My brother and I are quite different, but I love him all the same," she said, looking around to try and find him. Suddenly, all the dwarves around her let out long burps and smacked each other on the back. Balin gave her an apologetic look. Before she knew it, almost all the food was gone much to Bilbo's dismay, and they had started cleaning up. Plates were being thrown left and right! More shouts and cheers ensued, causing Blair to get up and let them have their fun. She walked over to Bilbo who was busy saying something about 'confusticating the dwarves'. She put a hand on his back and was about to say something when Gandalf beat her to it.

"My dear Bilbo, what is the matter?" He asked, sounding amused.

"What's the matter?" he repeated sounding exasperated. He began to list off everything that was annoying him, leading Gandalf down the hall as he talked.

"And what's your name?" a dwarf with a floppy hat asked her from behind. Blair turned around and smiled.

"Blair," she replied. "Blair Baggins! I like your hat!" He let out a strange laugh and smacked another dwarf on the back.

"Ya hear that, brother? Told you the hat'd be a hit!" He cheered. Blair laughed, when
suddenly a plate whizzed past her ear at such a speed, her curls blew as if ruffled by a strong wind. Her heart skipped a beat. Before she knew it, all the dwarves burst into song! She couldn't follow all the lyrics but heard the main chorus loud and clear!

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

Blair couldn't help, but laugh at her brother's expense and clap along. Some dwarves noticed this and cheered at her joining in their fun. Random instruments were being whipped out and played, while the dishes were being thrown about. Blair took a step back to take it all in. She wanted to capture this moment in her mind to think upon later when she had to go back to her normal, boring every day routine. But for now, she took in all the fun and oddity of the whole situation! Suddenly, just as all the dishes were all stacked in neat piles on the table, a knock was heard at the door. Blair let out a small laugh, for she thought all the dwarves that would arrive were already here! As she walked towards the door, she heard Gandalf say, "he is here," in a rather grave manner. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as she walked towards the door. Something was different about this guest, and she knew it before the door was even opened.
She reached for the door knob nonetheless and opened the door. A dwarf was surely on the other side but Blair didn't smile or immediately step aside. This dwarf was different. He had dark brown hair, the same shade as Blair's, with two small braids on each side, adorned with a silver bead each. He was rather tan and had on a fur coat of sorts. He stood just a few inches taller than Blair, but from the distance they were at, she could look directly into his blue eyes.

The dwarf, Thorin was his name, was a little taken aback by who opened the door, as well. He noticed her long, dark curls and olive green eyes, matching the shade of the simple dress she had on. He noticed her confused expression and did a small nod before saying, "I apologize, I must have come to the wrong house." His voice was deep and velvety. The type of voice that commanded attention, yet would soothe you at the same time.

"Are you looking for Bilbo Baggins?" She managed to say as he was turning around to leave. He turned back and raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, how did you-" he began to say but then spotted Gandalf behind her. She moved aside, as he walked through the door. For a split second, she made eye contact with him as he walked past her. She looked away quickly as she shut her brother's emerald green door. Who was this dwarf?

Reverie - 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 𝔁 𝓞𝓒Where stories live. Discover now