Chapter 6 - Insinuations

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The sun was peeking through the round window as Blair squinted her eyes, rubbing sleep from them. She put a cool hand to her head, thinking the previous night was a dream. Until she looked up and saw Gandalf there.

"Good morning my dear hobbit!" He greeted, holding onto his staff. Blair smiled up at him, still squinting from not being adjusted to the light.

"Good morning," she replied, stretching.
"Don't forget what I asked of you yesterday. The company and I must begin the journey. I expect both you and Bilbo to join us," he reminded as he began to walk towards the door, Blair getting up and following behind. She noticed Thorin watching her as he stood by the door waiting for Gandalf. He quickly looked away as eye contact was made.

"Remember, the path past the Green Dragon!" Gandalf said, stooping down to go through the hobbit sized door.

"I won't disappoint you, Gandalf!" She declared. Holding the door as the dwarves shuffled out, each nodding or smiling as they left. Gandalf began whistling as he walked down the path with the line of dwarves following him. One dwarf still lingered by the door.

"There's still time to stay back. Gandalf would understand," Thorin spoke. Blair sighed, a bit agitated by his continual remarks.

"I think your Company is waiting for you," Blair replied. "You wouldn't want to get left behind, would you?"

Thorin glared at her, realizing her insinuation. Blair couldn't help but give him an innocent shrug. He grumbled as he walked out the door, knowing there was nothing he could do to change her mind. Still, there was a part of him he couldn't understand. This part of him was slightly glad he didn't change her mind. He scowled as he caught up to Gandalf, on their way to retrieve their ponies.

Blair closed the door, putting her back to it and taking a deep breath. She couldn't help but feel a bit of pride for her smart remark. She quickly got over the feeling and focused on the seemingly impossible task at hand: convincing her brother to go on a life-threatening journey, leaving everything you know and love behind without the assurance of a guaranteed return. Blair let out a long breath. Putting it that way made her mind slightly waiver. She shook her head and smoothed her hair out, marching over to Bilbo's room. She heard his soft snores before she even entered.

Golden light filled her brother's room, shining a light upon him. She couldn't help but smile at his serene state, knowing it was about to be ended. She started clapping loudly, and shouting, stomping about the room. He awoke with a start, looking shocked and confused. He grumbled as soon as he saw who was behind the horrible wake-up call.

"Wake up, brother!" She shouted. "Adventure awaits!" He glared at her.

"I am most definitely awake after that horrendous wake up call. You oughta be ash-" he paused, looking suddenly deep in thought. He started recalling the previous nights events. He quickly got up, shoving Blair out the way and began looking around to see if the dwarves were still there. Blair scoffed and followed him.

"Yes, yes, YES!" Bilbo cheered after making sure the party had left. Blair sat down, looking out the window. Bilbo watched as she did this. He noticed her longing eyes, and paleish skin. Her eyes seemed to speak more than her words ever could. They almost screamed a need for change. As Bilbo observed this, he felt a twinge of pain in his heart. He looked around his home, realizing it wouldn't feel the same if Blair's visits stopped. He couldn't let her go running off on her own. He was her brother. And that means putting her feelings before his sometimes.

"You're really going to leave?" He asked. Blair continued to look out the window, still trying to formulate a speech on how to convince him to come with.

"Yes," she quickly said so she could get back to thinking.

"Then let's go." Blair quickly whipped her head around.

"What did you just say?" She asked, hurriedly standing up. Bilbo sighed and smiled, holding up the contract.

"I said," he set it down and wrote his signature.

"Let's go." Tears almost sprung to Blair's eyes as she squealed and hugged him.

"Oh, thank you, thank you! I knew'd you come with, ya old Took!" She laughed. He laughed, too.

"Alright, that's enough! We've got a dwarf pack to catch up to!" He reminded, grabbing his walking stick.

"And a wizard!" Blair chided, grabbing her already packed travel bag. Bilbo quickly packed, putting on a backpack of sorts and rolling up a blanket to strap above the backpack. They rushed out the door, but not before taking one last glance at the familiar home. Blair felt a bit of sadness at the thought of not being able to see her own home before they left, but time would simply not allowing. They rushed down the familiar path, green grass swaying from the wind of their rush, and dirt flying due to the speed! They hopped fences, laughing the whole way.

"Oi! Baggins!" A hobbit who everyone knew as Mr. Worrywort shouted. The two hobbits barely spared him a glance as they ran past him. "Where are you both off to in such a hurry!"

Blair turned and smiled at Bilbo. As he returned the smile, he shouted,
"We're going on an ADVENTURE!"

Reverie - 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 𝔁 𝓞𝓒Where stories live. Discover now