1. Marriage Alliance

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Yagyani's POV:

"Yagyani, I told you to get ready. What have you done till now? See guests have also come, but your hair still has to be made," my mother said frustrated. "Now come here fast and stop running here and there!" I slowly went towards her who was sitting on a couch near the window, and sat on the stool kept in front of her with my back towards her, so she could make my hair look decent I guess. 

"Maa" I called her, in an elongated and sweet tone, and tilted a little to see her through my lashes my lashes making an innocent face. I know it always works.

"Yes" she replied in the same manner, copying me and I giggled at her a little.

"I was just playing with my friends in the garden, I even told Rupa to remind me to get ready but she also forgot. I didn't do anything, promise. Are you angry with me?" Maa told me yesterday that some important guests are coming and the whole palace is being decorated and preparations are happening for their arrival, so I should also get ready and have to look beautiful for when they arrive. Other than this I don't know much, because I was busy with the wedding of our doll that we all were doing today, but I also didn't want to upset my parents in any way, I love them so much, and always want them to be happy with me and love me the most.

"No princess, I'm not angry with you. I was just a little stressed there is so much work to be done." Till then my hair was done, Maa put beautiful flowers in my hair and it smells so good, i love flowers. Maa held my arm and made me sit on her lap, "Also, I have to tell you something very important. you want to know what?"

I nodded my head curiously.

She smiled and said, "Princess, as you know you turned full 8 years old this year right? And when girls get this big they have to get married. There will be a very handsome and intelligent prince with whom you will be married and you both then will live together your whole life."

"Whole life?" I asked and she nodded her head smiling.

"He will live here with us?" I asked

She shook her head, "No, You will go and live with him at his house. He will be like your best friend Ani, you don't have to be scared. You know like your father and I are married? same way." 

I looked at her trying to understand all that she was saying.  Means it's like I will get a new friend and we will live together always, but then I have to live at his house...

I shook my head, " No Maa, I don't want any friend, only want to live with you and Pitaji. If he want to be my friend he can come and live here with us, I will also share my toys with him, I promise." I said pinching at my throat to promise her. 


Before Maa could speak I heard the voice of my father and turned to see him coming inside my room along with my Guruji.

" Yagyani is right, Prema. My Princess won't go anywhere and will live here only, with her Pitaji, right?" He asked me smiling, opening his arms wide while I ran towards him and he caught me and hugged me so tight. I giggled and nodded at him, hiding my face in his chest as he laughed.

"Pranam Guruji" my mother said coming towards us and stood beside Pitaji, turned and saw towards Guruji. "Pranam Guruji" I said joining my hands. 

He smiled at me, " Pranam Yagyani, so you don't want to get married?"

"No Guruji, means if Pitaji and Maa will say I will marry but I will not go away from them" I hugged my father tightly again.

Guruji chuckled, "Okay, I have a solution for you. If your parents are okay with that?"

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