7. Arrival

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It's been a week since the letter came from Kirtigarh. My whole family is extremely excited, and preparations for their arrival and all other rituals are almost complete as according to the messenger they can be here any moment now.

Here I am sitting in a chair in my chamber alone in front of the box containing all the letters he sent me over these years. All these words but still so much I don't know about him, so much he still has to let me know and so much I still have to find out. Those memories of ten years ago seem to be so blurred now,  I imagine the colour of his eyes, what would it be? How would it shine when the sun would reflect on those? or how his hair might be? his height? his colour? Also, would he like me? will my clothing be up to his liking? what colour would be his favourite? Will he be like what I've come to know him through his letters? 

During these years in Gurukul I never heard or learnt anything related to married life and now stepping into it, is getting on my nerves. 

"Maa Durga please be with me" I prayed silently.

"Pray later Ani, come with us Maharani said that you should check on all the snacks and food also, see if anything needs to be done or added." Rupa came into my chamber.

"Also, we can sneak in and see Yuvraj from the hiding. I heard they are going to be here soon." Latika teased me, "If you want only!"

"That's not a bad idea if you ask me," Rupa said shrugging her shoulders as if it was not a big deal I glared at her but I was trying my best to not blush like a tomato right now. 

"Come on! We know you also want to see him." they both started laughing at me and I hid my face in my hands. 

"Okay stop you both, come Maa told us a work to do, didn't she?"  I said standing up and walking ahead of them without looking back at them as they kept giggling behind me.


I tasted all the dishes made for them, there was a variety of different curries, vegetables, sweets, a lot of sweets and so much more. 

"Add a little cardamom in this Kheer, it is very little you can't even taste it.  Also, Pakore is ready, right?"

"We are just going to start making it Rajkumari."

"It's still not ready?! You know they are going to be here anytime and these will go out for the snacks!" What are these people doing? At least I came here at the right time, " Okay go and bring vegetables, Rupa, and Latika, you both help cut it please, I will make the batter" They nodded at me and the maid went to do as instructed. 

"Ahm Ahm. Latika you know they are still not here yet and not already at the gate right?" 

"Rupa, don't start again please" I whined at her and they laughed again and I turned my head to hide my burning cheeks from them.

They both with two other kitchen help started cutting vegetables, while I made the batter and put the oil to heat.

After a while, I was frying the pakoras and almost done with them when I heard the voice of none other than the trouble herself, Sunaina.

"Ani, what are you doing here? I am running here and there searching for you" She said panting.

I stood up, handing over the remaining work to maids before going to her, "Maa said to come and see the preparations, what happened? take water first" I handed her a glass of water.

"Ani, I.. I.. no I didn't, I mean I was just" 

"Naina, please calm down and speak clearly. Why are you so flustered?" I held her shoulders and made her sit on a stool nearby,

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