3. Gift for Him

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Next update only after 10 votes atleast. I need a little motivation


These pearls are testing my patience right now. Making a simple necklace is also so difficult, I never thought it would be!

It's midnight now and this necklace is still not done I have to give it to Kuwar sa before they leave from here tomorrow morning. In all the rituals and celebrations after the wedding, I did not get time to make this gift for him as I thought. While I was thinking of a gift for him, Latika was sitting with me and I saw her making a flower bracelet for herself, so I got the idea to make a pearl necklace for him. I'm sure it will look so good on him and it will also be handmade. The problem came when I wanted to make it but did not have any spare pearls with me. I found one of my necklaces which Maa gave me last year, it had many pearls in it. That's what I used to start making this. Putting it in the thread is the main task, every time I'm putting one, it just slips or the other one slips and gets lost. I can't even ask any of my friends for help, they have also gone to sleep. 

After a few more hours when the sun was going to rise soon, I was done with it finally along with a letter I wrote for him just in case I didn't get to talk to him today around so many people. 

प्रणाम कुंवर सा,

हमे ज्ञात है कि यह कुछ ख़ास तो नही लेकिन जितना समय था उतने में हम यही कर पाए। यह हार हमने आपके लिऐ बनाया है, आशा है आपको पसन्द आय।

और हां आपका ख़ास उपहार हम पर उधार है जब हम आपके घर आएंगे तब के लिए। वचन रहा।


Pranam Kuwar sa, 

I know this is not much but in the little time I could only come up with this. This is the necklace I made for you, I hope you will like it. 

 Your main gift is still due for the time I will come to your house. Promise.


I should just sleep before people started coming to wake me and get me all decked up again. I'm tired.


" This is so beautiful Ani. You made it yourself?" asked Sunaina as I was showing the necklace to all three of my friends.

I nodded, "Yes, all by myself." I feel so proud of myself.

All of them were gushing over how beautiful it looked and Kuwar sa will surely like it.

"You should have told me Yagyani, I would have helped you in making this." 

"I know Rupa, but I wanted to make it myself. That's what I thought of gifting otherwise he must have so many necklaces," I took it in my hand from her, "but this one will be special, after all, it is made by Princess Yagyani" I said keeping my head up and we all burst out laughing at my dramatics.

"That is true. Our Yagyani is so special," said Latika smiling at me.

Just when we all were laughing a gaurd who stands outside my room came, " Princess, one boy has come to visit you, he says he is friend of Kuwar sa and his name is Dharya."

I looked at my friends in confusion. Who is he? I haven't seen him till now, and why is he here?

"Ani should I go and see what's the matter?" asked Sunaina, who i nodded to and she went. I can't just allow any person to enter the room without knowing them, that's not royal protocols.

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