8. First Meet

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Veena has been one of my favourite things since I could remember. I learned it from my mother, who is an expert in it. She loves music so much that she teaches little girls from around the kingdom how to play veena just because she finds so much joy in this music. 

I went and touched the instrument and then touched my forehead to give my respects to it. My mother always says your music connects you to your soul, it provides the peace that saints search for in their prayers. Thus, it should always be respected as your religion.

There was a mattress put on the floor with many cushions around it. I sat there, the Veena with me and I started playing it. It calms my mind and gives joy to my heart. The last time I played here in this music arena of our palace was before going to Gurukul, I continued playing it there also but this place where I learned it from my mother and spent so many beautiful memories with my friends as I used to play and my friends all use to dance to it. We enjoyed a lot of precious moments here, laughing and playing. 

I heard a little knock of something, as I was playing the veena fully engrossed in it and turned my head to see towards the door to see a silhouette of a man, I couldn't see the face of the person due to the sunlight behind them.

"Please don't stop playing on my account." I heard him say

I thinned my eyebrows in confusion, "Who are you?" 

The person came a little forward so I could see their face clearly, "It's all the fault of Garji, It clicked to the door disturbing you and also stopping the beautiful event I was an audience of." He said pointing towards his sword attached to his waistband. 

It's him. Raj. Yuvraj. 

Finally, after all this time. He is standing in front of me, smiling at me as I look at him overwhelmed. Wait and emotions of all these years and now when he is here standing in front of me to listen to all I want to tell, I can't seem to get a word out of my mouth. He is more beautiful than I ever imagined him to be. Built like a true king, his shoulders broad like a lion, he stands a foot taller than me but even after being this intimidating, his face still has peace, eyes held kindness and something so pure I couldn't decipher a word for it and his smile held the same innocence of a child which I saw all those years ago. My eyes could see the famous warrior Yuvraj in front of me, who has gone through so many battles and seen life up close all these years but also my heart could still recognise the boy I met ten years ago and the person I got to know from all those letters through the years.

He slowly came in front of me and bent down to kneel before me, he forwarded his hand and brought it close to my face and I looked at him in confusion, "Girja is sorry, nobody gets to make the Yuvranisa cry." He said wiping my tears and cupping my cheeks with his rough and warm hand I chuckled at his words and his smile widened if it was even possible. 

"Girja is forgiven, I'm happy today," I said looking at his sword

"Oh, and what makes my Yuvranisa so happy today?" He raised his brow, a hint of smirk making its way on his lips.

"That after reading and hearing about Girja's glory all this time, I can see it with my own eyes," I said looking into his eyes. 

"That's it? Girja is the only reason for your happiness?" He teased further to which I nodded giggling.

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