2. Wedding

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It's been 2 months since that day and today is my wedding. In every ritual and function till now, I have got so many beautiful gifts, jewellery and clothes of many different kinds with such beautiful colours and work on it.

Since morning today, the whole palace has been in a festive mood. It's like Deepavali again but much more is happening all around. All my friends are present in my room, they have brought so many beautiful flowers straight from the garden so that I can wear them in my hair. Maids are constantly bringing different jewellery options for me to choose from except for the ones I have to wear that are sent from my In-law's house or are traditional to wear in our family as Maa told me. My wedding lehenga is also so beautiful, it is dark red with work of gold on it all over it. Though I'm excited to wear them all if I tell you the secret these all were very heavy when I saw them, I don't know how I'm going to wear them all for all those hours.

"Rajkumari, should we get you ready now?" asked the head maid of the palace, whom Maa assigned for me today.

"Yes, Kaki" I replied, she has been working for our family for a very long time and all of us call her Kaki only. She smiled in return and took me towards the changing room where already my lehenga was kept, she left closing the door behind her and I changed my Lehenga and blouse after which I came outside and sat in front of the mirror and all the maids started getting me ready, making me wear all the jewellery, setting my dupatta, putting kajal, flowers and also some special rose extract to tint my cheeks and lips also.

Meanwhile, all my friends were talking with me about any and everything, how we would decorate our doll the same way next time we did her wedding, what sweets are made and how different dances and singing were going to happen at the celebrations.

"Yagyani you would not go to your in-law's house after the wedding? " asked my friend Rupa

"No, Pitaji said I can be here for now and can also go and study with Guruji at his Gurukul," I told her excitedly.

"Really? Do you also want to go to Gurukul? My Maa said that all boys go there and they would make fun of us if we even talk about going there." Her eyes held fear and concern for me but I chuckled at her, "No silly, yes all boys go there usually, but do you think anybody would say Yagyani anything and be left without any consequences? and also Guruji and Pitaji are there, you don't need to worry."

"Ani, can I make your hair, please?" asked Sunaina, my other friend.

I grinned and nodded at her, she is the best one at making beautiful hairstyles and decorating them, "Yes Sunaina, do it please."

She came running and started doing my hair while Kaki was setting my dupatta and choli.

"See my mehendi is so dark, Latika" I showed my other friend, she had been quiet since morning, and while all of us were talking and excited she had been keeping to herself.

She looked at my hands taking them in her own and smiled at me, "Yes, it looks so beautiful."

"Are you angry at me?" I asked her softly.

She shook her head, thinning her eyebrows.

"then, why are you not talking since morning? What happened?"

"I'm just sad Ani." I looked at her in question. I could see all the others were also seeing her with curiosity and question in their eyes.

"Why Latika?" said Rupa.

"Yes, Did something happen, Kaki scold you?" Said Sunaina teasing Kaki by the last line, to which Kaki glared at her and all of us chuckled.

"No Sunaina, Kaki didn't scold me." Latika suddenly hugged me, "It's just that first I thought you would go to your in-law's house and leave us so I was sad, then I got to know you will not go but still will go to Gurukul. So, I'm just sad that we won't get to see you and play with you daily, Ani." She told with teary eyes.

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