Seventy Four: Photo Frames (Part 1)

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"You know, I can take care of myself.", Satya tapped on Xavier's arm who had slept in a rocking chair in her room, "I am perfectly fine."

He woke up, startled by the sudden intrusion in his personal space, "Satya, don't scare me like that.", he stretched his arms and back, "This stupid chair sucks!"

Xavier had been extra cautious with his care when it came to Satya. He had decided to stay close to her until she was perfectly capable of moving around with no aid. He had turned down the idea to sleep in the guest room. Rather he chose a rocking chair for sleeping in that room for three consecutive nights, as only that piece of furniture provided enough length and space to rest his body.

I should sleep on the floor, that's better than the crappy chair.

Eyeing the marble floor now, he thought that it seemed rather inviting to him than the chair.

He could have asked her servants to shift his personalized Californian King bed from his room- one from the strings of guest rooms in Satya's house- to her bedroom which had enough space to place five King-sized beds if not more. But it was too much of a hassle, and he didn't want to disturb her servants. They already were traumatized by the recent turn of events.

They loved Satya like their own daughter. Most of her servants and house-helps had worked more than two decades in her house, they had seen her grow from a baby to a confident woman. It was too much for them to see her weak and vegetative in her bed, especially after her last major accident.

After three days, her body looked way better than the time when she was hospitalized. She still had bandages, but her face looked bright, "You are tiring yourself.", she caressed his cheek.

"I'll live.", he replied, "It's not impossible."

"Dhanya should return to her school. I'll have to make arrangements.", she suggested and shook her head defeatedly, "It's all my fault."

Dhanya had seen the news all over the internet and had rushed to be with her sister. She had no idea about what had happened to make her sister so ill to be admitted to the hospital, and Satya as well as Xavier had agreed to not talk about it to her.

"It was so stupid of me to love someone who didn't even care for me."

And that was true, Narayan hadn't checked on her for the whole period, not a single text. Xavier's hand had itched to go and punch him, but Satya's pale face had stopped him from stepping away from her house.

"Stop blaming yourself.", Xavier said, "You are here, alive and well, that's more than enough for us. That kid was bawling her eyes out when she saw you in the hospital and you thought no one loves you."

"You do love me.", she feebly smiled when he glared at her, "Don't you?"

"No shit, Sherlock."

He didn't have a lot of friends. Eventually, it meant that everyone counted dear to him, maybe there were only eight of them living near or in some faraway land but he made sure to stay in touch with every one of them.

Adult friendships were a tough deal.

"I knew that."

Satya looked at him as he collected his laptop from the tiny table of his impromptu study and sat on the couch, opening his laptop and switching it on as if the sun rose each day only for Xavier to work. Was he a workaholic? Yes. But he enjoyed every bit of it.

She went near him, "When was the last time you talked to Krithika?"

He looked at her, "I regularly text her; she understands that currently, you are my priority."

She sighed and shut his laptop, "Xav, I am fine!"


"Stop treating me like a baby. Yes, it was foolish of me to attempt suicide but don't do this.", she hissed.

He gave her a confused look.

"Xav, you are in a new relationship.", she added, "Women tend to expect a few things from a man in a relationship."

"If you have forgotten, I had dated my college sweetheart, married her against all the odds, and, surprise, surprise, got divorced, presumably because I was more than what she expected me to be.", he opened his laptop and booted it to start, "I very well know about a woman's likes and dislikes."

Here we go again.

Satya glared at him as he leaned in the comfort of the couch and started typing on the laptop.

Should I just slap him once, would that help him see things?



I wanted to add "June Ponal" for so long, but it is such a fun 'moved on' song that I kept denying until this chapter came up.

Because I can see Xavier now not sulking much over Subhadra and accepting his present, that's what "June Ponal July Katre" is about XD

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