Chapter Two: Hogwarts Express

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Platform 9¾ was busy, to say the least, students saying their goodbyes as they hurried to board the Hogwarts Express. Among the crowd, Seraphina Elara Rosen, held her 11-year-old daughter's hand who was about to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As the steam from the departing train swirled around them, Remus Lupin approached the pair. He had a gentle and reassuring presence, something that had always comforted Maxine.

Seraphina looked at her daughter and spoke softly in the most soothing tone pulling her daughter close, "I know you might feel the weight of living up to your father's expectations, but remember, he'd want you to make friends and cherish every moment. No matter what happens, he will be proud of you, I'm sure of it."

"I solemnly swear to be on my best behavior. I'll miss your cooking, and I can't imagine Hogwarts will have any brownies as great as yours."

Seraphina chuckled, slightly tearful, "Promise me you'll take care of yourself and write to me as well, mija."

Maxine nodded and Remus placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You're going to do wonderfully, Maxy. You know I'm just an owl's hoot away."

Although at times, Maxine felt reassured by Remus's words because she respected him immensely. However, she cringed when he said things like that, she looked at him with a quirk brow, "An owl's hoot? Seriously, Uncle Remmy?"

Remus chuckled, "You know I'm here for you, no matter what. Just try not to get into too much mischief."

Maxine retorted, "Mischief? Me? Never." She then gave her godfather a playful nudge and a tight hug, having a small bittersweet moment.

Remus returned the embrace, "I'm going to miss you, Maxy. Take care of yourself. I'll be expecting you to write to me as well. Learn as much as you can and don't forget to have fun."

Maxine released Remus from the hug and grinned mischievously, "Fun is my middle name, you know."

Remus shot her a sly smile and teased, "Well, technically, it's Alexandria."

Maxine rolled her eyes playfully.

Seraphina watched with a soft smile. "We'll be waiting for you right here on this platform when it's time to come back for the holidays."

The whistle of the Hogwarts Express blew, signaling that it was time to board. Maxine turned to her mother.

"Bye, mum. I love you," Maxine said.

"I love you too, mija," Seraphina replied. 

Maxine was sketching away on her notebook. The rhythmic clatter of wheels against the tracks and the distant whistle of the Hogwarts Express filled the air. Abruptly, the compartment door slid open, startling her in the process causing her to stop mid-sketch.

Before her stood a boy with jet-black hair and glasses. He gave her a small smile and asked, "I'm sorry I startled you. Would you mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." She said, setting her sketchbook aside as the boy sat across from her. She noticed that he looked familiar, then she realized that it was the same boy she encountered at Diagon Alley.

Maxine beamed, her dimples and braces showing, her heterochromatic eyes sparkling as she said, "Oh, it's you from Madam Malkin's. I'm Maxine Rosen. What's your name?"

The boy's voice was a bit nervous as he replied, "I'm Harry Potter."

Of course she heard the name, Harry Potter, other than reading all about him in history books, she had heard in hushed tones at Diagon Alley. She had never imagined she'd meet him twice, at Madam Malkin's and on the Hogwarts Express.

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