Chapter Four: Classes

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The first days of classes at Hogwarts were eventful, especially for Harry, who found himself as the center of attention. Maxine noticed his discomfort and tried to ease his nerves by sharing jokes and discussing her plans to involve Peeves in her pranks.

With Remus's help and access to her father's notes and studies, she was well-prepared for her first year. Herbology, Potions, and Astronomy wasn't difficult for her, but History of Magic, taught by the ghost Professor Binns, was a bit more challenging due to his tendency to mix up names and dates.

Professor Flitwick, the Charms professor, was excited to have Harry in his class, and Maxine laughed when he excitedly called Harry's name.

Transfiguration was the 'most complex and dangerous magic' according to Professor McGonagall. They were tasked with transforming a match into a needle and back into a match. Maxine practiced with her godfather, which allowed her to succeed during class. This drew a glare from Hermione, who assumed the heterochromatic-eyed girl wasn't trying as hard. Professor McGonagall gave the girls a rare smile since they were the only ones in class who were able to do it properly.

Maxine was really looking forward to Defense Against the Dark Arts, although Professor Quirrel's class left much to be desired, mainly because he told stories that seemed a bit too hard to believe.

On Friday, they had a double potions class with Professor Snape. During breakfast, Maxine sat with Ron and Harry as they discussed that Snape might show favoritism towards the Slytherins in class.

"Wish McGonagall favored us," said Harry.

Maxine sighed in agreement with Harry and remarked, "She wants us to put in some real effort in class. As if transfiguration wasn't hard enough."

"What do you mean? You were the only other person who transformed the needle right." Ron said bitterly.

Maxine smirked and replied,  "Are you jealous, Ron?"

"No." Ron grumbled.

The mail soon arrived, and Maxine's owl swooped in. It was a Snowy Owl gifted by her Uncle Remus, she decided to name her 'Shadow.' It was an ironic name, considering that Snowy Owls are known for their white appearance. Remus specifically selected this owl for its heterochromatic eyes: a left piercing yellow while the other is a deep, striking sapphire blue.

Her mother had sent her a box of chocolate brownies like she promised and a note:

"Here are some chocolate brownies for you. Make sure to share them with your new friends. I made enough for everyone you've told me about.

With love, Mom"

"Finally!" Maxine exclaimed, "My mum sent me some brownies. She made plenty for all of us," Maxine said as she handed some treacle tarts to Harry and Ron.

Maxine watched as Ron eagerly devoured his piece, while Harry savored each bite.

"Delishush!" Ron said with his mouth full.

Harry looked at Maxine, "Did your mum really make these?"

Maxine nodded as she stuffed her mouth with a brownie and said, "Mhmm, I towd you, dey're da besh you'll ever tashte."

Neville looked at them with his mouth slightly agape. Maxine grabbed another brownie and offered it to Neville. "Want one?"

"Are you sure?" Neville looked at Maxine nervously then stared at the dessert before him. Maxine nodded in assurance, and Neville's face lit up as he began eating it.

Maxine hasn't tried asking her mother about Hermione, she figured it would be better to ask her in person when she gets back home for the holidays. The only people she had mentioned were Harry and Ron since she nearly got into a fight alongside them on the train, her mother doesn't know about that... not yet, at least.

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