Chapter One: The Beginning

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Tick Tock

Tick tock

Tick Tock

That's all that can be heard in the living room where the 11 year old girl can be seen laying upside down the couch. She was currently waiting for her mother as she was getting ready to head out. She received a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry so they needed to head to Diagon Alley to get all the supplies that will be needed in her first year.

"MAXINE ALEXANDRIA ROSEN!" was the last thing she heard before she went crashing down the floor. A thump was heard followed by a soft "ow."

An older lady in her mid-thirties walked into the living room fixing up her hair. "I have been calling you for the last few minutes. Where has your mind been wandering off to?"

"Sorry mum, just thinking." Maxine said as she got up slowly, looking up at her mother.

"What's bothering you? I thought you'd be excited to go to the wizarding world."

Maxine was biting her lower lip softly before choosing her next words carefully. Yes, Maxine was at times impulsive, yet she was also mindful of her words and actions.

"I am excited... I want to learn more about his world, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I'll fit in."

Maxine felt a mix of excitement and nervousness about attending Hogwarts. She heard about her father, Maximus Lysander Rosen, and his experiences during his own time at Hogwarts. She felt the need to live up to her father's name.

Maxine's mother understood who she was talking about instantly. She walked up to Maxine, kneeling down, and gazed into her vibrant heterochromatic light-blue and violet eyes. She softly placed her hands on her daughter's cheek and said, "Maxine Alexandria Rosen, you are undoubtedly the most remarkable, gentle, and intelligent young lady I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."

Maxine looked at her mother and replied. "You're only saying that because you're my mum."

"It's because I'm your mother that I have witnessed your incredible abilities. I've seen your kindness and intelligence shine through. You've overcome every challenge with remarkable resilience. Your father would be immensely proud of the young woman you've become."

Maxine replied with a sad smile, "Thank you, mum," her dimples briefly appearing on her cheeks as she attempted to brighten the mood.

Though she never had the chance to meet him, she had the privilege of hearing stories about him from her mother and godfather. They portrayed him as an exceptionally gentle and gifted soul. Tragically, her father passed away on October 30, 1981.

Most days, Maxine would go into her father's study, reading all the books and notes regarding the wizarding world. Her father's study had shelves filled with rows of books of an extensive collection ranging from Herbology and Potions to detailed Quidditch plays - anything she might need in the wizarding world. Maxine would spend hours immersed in them, absorbing everything she read; some held his notes that made it easier to understand.

"We need to get going. Do you have everything with you?"

Maxine nodded eagerly, "Triple checked everything." 

Upon arriving at their destination, Maxine looked up at her mother curiously. Seraphina looked around for someone who was supposed to help them get into Diagon Alley. "Let's see, he should be around here."

What the young girl didn't expect to see was her godfather.

"Uncle Remmy!" exclaimed Maxine running up to her godfather giving him a crushing hug.

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