Chapter Two: Strike

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She had to admit, living in a house full of boys pretending to be her family wasn't that bad. She never had a real family before, so why not? Despite "not caring" that her folks left her, she still felt as if something was wrong with her. She tried not to think about it. She refused to cry. Crying was messy and no one looks good when they cry. It didn't solve anything either. But for the first time in her life she almost let herself trust. And in just a few months. But she couldn't. If they knew everything, they would turn away from her. She finally pulled the rest of her hair into the cap and went downstairs. Jack and Race were waiting for her. They had all become good friends and they always walked together. Everything was fine until they heard Kid Blink freaking out.

"They'se jacked up the price!! Can you'se believe that?? They'se jacked up the price!!"

All the newsies were complaining. They were outraged.

"With all the money Pulitzer's makin', why would he gouge us?" Skittery thought out loud.

"He's a damn tightwad. That's why."
Race answered him, aggravated.

"Look, fellas. If we'se don't sell papes, nobody sells papes. Nobody goes through those gates 'til they'se put the price back where it was." Jack told them.

"Whadda ya mean, like a strike?"

"Yeah, like a strike!"

Davey came over to Jack while the others were cheering. He whispered, "Jack, we can't go on strike. We don't have a union."

"But if we stick together, then we are a union."

"No we're just a bunch of angry kids with no money."

"We'll organize!"

Charlie stood by Jack. "Tell us what ta do."

Boots heard and immediately shouted, "Yeah, Jack! Tell us what ta do!"

A strike. Charlie thought. Could be fun.

Jack shouted to them once more. "Ok fellas! I need you guys ta be ambassadors and go tell the otha newsies bout the strike."

He started assigning boroughs to all of them. Then he said, "Alright, who wants Brooklyn?" Silence. "C'mon Spot Conlon's territory?" Still silence. "C'mon ya scared of Brooklyn?"

Boots piped up, "Ey we ain't scared of Brooklyn! Spot Conlon just makes us a little nervous..."

"Alright then Boots. We'll go ta Brooklyn. And Davey can keep us company."

Everyone's scared of Brooklyn. Interesting.

"I'll go!" Charlie came forward to Jack.

"But Charlie--"

"I wanna see why everyone's so terrified of Brooklyn."

"No ya don't."

"Who are you ta tell me what I want? I'm goin'."

"Fine. Just don't let anyone in Brooklyn know...ya know."

"Why? The Manhatten newsies know--"

"I'se have my reasons. Just be a boy, ok?"

"Ok. Now take our demands ta Pulitzer."

Davey chimed in, "Yeah, Jack. Take our demands to Pulitzer."

"Me ta Pulitzer?"

"Well..." Charlie said in a taunting tone, "unless you'se scared."

"I ain't scared...but maybe the kid'll soften 'im up a bit." Jack said as he and Les went inside. The other newsies departed for their assigned boroughs just as Jack and Les were thrown out of the office. With whatever dignity he had left, Jack led Boots, Davey, and Charlie on their way to Brooklyn, still worried about Charlie. Let's just say the feeling in his stomach was actually there for a reason.

Unlocking Him: A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now