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The hallway was deserted , I sighed in relief as I made my towards the main office no one was in sight, everyone knew better than to cause disturbance when he was working everyone were his servant , doing things on his command, treating him with utmost respect and what not.

     The door of the office was slightly open as i peeked in cautiously I saw him and my uncle who was sitting in front of him with his back towards the door , I had all the characteristics of the whole family memorized, it was something that you had to learn when you were dealing with people like the ones in my household if you can even call it that, eva's droppings was something I did often.

Even after being caught once , i still did, call it bravery or just stupidity but it was the only entertainment that was available around this house. It was funny how they dealt with things , the idiotic decision and the pride made me giggle uncontrollably on the inside.

No wonder they were not on the top, my father was a control freak , he hated me with a passion, for the reason that I could not digest, he hated me for being born first , he hated the fact of leaving his legacy behind in the hands of a women , he considered women as someone who was below men, a creature who was just to be controlled, who had no say in anything, who was just for pleasure of the men.

He could not fathom the reality that I was born five minutes and twenty five seconds before my twin brother , my twin brother was no better, he watched and never spoke up for me , why would he after all I was the only obstacle between him and the position of boss after his father.

He watched me silently everytime his father whipped me mercilessly after a single small mistake, stood aside with his shoulders upright and chin high , standing like a proud soldier, like his father's soldier, the soldier that he adored, unlike my younger brother Blake who rebel everytime till he was sent away to a boarding school.

I hated being the reason for his banishment, the reason for him to be away from his own family no matter how cruel they were for me , they adored both the boys well it was obvious why, because they were male , the superior gender , i silently laughed at that stupid thought.

Deep down my father knew too it was all bullshit , the heir of mexican mafia was a women , Mr Barca Castro a force to be reckoned in the underworld when he resigned he passed down the legacy to his daughter Carmen Castro who was the current heir , she took the name of Castro family to another level.

A great leader with a sharp mind , father never missed an opportunity to mock her at any occasion but jokes on him , she was a better leader than him.

My brother , William Anderson, his superhero was no other than Henry Anderson, our father , it was crystal clear to the world how much he looked upon him , how he followed his footsteps, since the childhood, his first essay was "dad , my superhero" i still remember the day as vivid as it was , when the tutor who taught me and him graded his essay with "A" how he ran straight to his office and showed him the piece of paper.

My essay was on "family" teacher was half in shock , it was depressing, I wrote about how my father slapped me for the silly thing , how my own mother never cared enough to tend my wounds that I got as a child , how my brother never played with me.

Father ended up tearing it while slapping me , which made me end up with a busted lip and bleeding nose from the rough impact of his calloused hand on my baby face.

I came out of my thoughts as I heard the sound of chuckle , it was uncle who was chuckling giddily after hearing something that my father said which i did not catch as I was lost in my thoughts , I sighed and diverted my utmost attention towards them.

"Finally she can come to some use" he laughed his ugly hyena laugh, "indeed , I have talked to some men who are more than happy to pay for her monthly" my blood ran cold hearing that , he won't do something like this to his own daughter, the same sentence echoed in my head like a mantra , as a protection spell.
"I still wonder why you have left her alive till now , she is useless" my uncle asked genuinely intrested with knowing it , "she has been useful around the house and no matter what I know sofia would be somewhat disappointed if I did something to her" .

Uncle nooded and leaned back in his chair and I took that as a que to leave the sick conversation. There was no doubt they were talking about me , it suprised me to even hear that , Sofia Anderson , my mother would be disappointed if something happened to me , it gave me a bit of reassurance that beside Blake there was someone who would notice my absence. As i slammed the door of my attic room shut , i started shivering, they were going to sell me , as a Slave.

It was not a new thing in underworld, thousands , no , millions of girls , who were unfortunate to get trapped in this vicious web of human trafficking were stuck and sold everyday.

I tugged on my hair to stop the voice of my uncle laughing at the horrid suggestion, no , decision made by my father. Everything in my family was decided by him.

My mother , Sofia, adored him , she was a perfect trophy wife , always dressed sharply and elegantly, sitting with her back straight legs crossed , never interfering with the affairs regarding anything, staying quite and sitting by my father's side like a beautiful doll, she indeed is a gorgeous lady , even in her fifty's she did not look a day older than as if she was in her early forties.

The thought alone made me sick as to how much of a obedient wife she was , almost like a dog , if my father said sit she would do it . If my father said kneel in front of a whole crowd she would , that's how obedient she was.

The only thing father had against her was me for giving birth to me before his dear son , it was ridiculous, but big enough for her to hate me as I was the sole reason why father would taunt his picture perfect trophy wife very often.

Shaking all useless thoughts out of my head , I made a promise, a promise to myself that I won't no i refuse to be sold and will escape this hell hole for good.

I knew Blake would be more than happy, he always wanted me to run since he turned eleven, he matured before time , and I hated myself for being the reason of ruining his childhood.

He was just a five year old when he saw my father slap a eight year old girl , his sister for the first time . He stayed with me whole night hugging me while consoled the crying boy that I was ok , when in reality I was also a kid , we had a mere gap of three years but he was always a bubbly child.

With determination clear in my mind , i promised myself that I would do it , for myself, for Blake.

So I wanna tell you all that , this will be the new prologue along with changed storyline, originally I wanted the story to be one of supernatural ones but I can't help myself, i think this is better, lemme know what you all think and which is better.

Love you all , cya lovelies ❤️

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